ugh the time to write! :-D

Jun 03, 2007 18:10

Ugh I feel like crap, my stomach hurts and I can't stop living in a dream world! I perfer writing songs, thinking about guys and romance, than do my homework. Granted I'm sure everyone would rather prefer dreaming about romance than doing homework or anything else for that matter but I don't know. I hate the things going on in my life right now. I've seem to found Mr. Right, though nothing could ever happen between us, as well as I've started to kind of show I like him then realize how much his actual girlfriend likes him, therefore I feel terrible.

I don't know whats wrong with me let alone why I seem to choose all of the wrong guys. That or the guys that actually like me are guys I'm not interested in. UGH! I think Megan said it perfectly when she said "Ashley you're so picky!" 'cause ITS THE TRUTH!!!! And I hate it! I wish I could just like someone for who they are or something like that. I mean YES of course I'm not judging people COMPLETELY, I just..... I don't know what it is.... I'M SOOOOO CONFUSED!!!!!!

Oh wait a minute.... maybe I stumbled acrossed a thought..... maybe I'm too afraid to get hurt again. I mean if you think about it, my very last actual long-lasting relationship was with brandon and after that every relationship I've had has fell apart. I wish it wasn't true but it is, Brandon and my relationship really messed me up! I mean things were great, then he started to pressure me into things, yes I'm going to admit right now, I gave into some of them (THOUGH I'm going to clear the air right now I never slept with him) however I did things I wish I never did with him. Then we started to fight constantly and he was always arguing and yelling at me and I couldn't take it to the point that we broke up and THEN I HAD to stay with him just to make sure my stepdad wouldn't kick him out of the house 'cause he had no place to go. If you haven't figured it out yet that can definitley screw up a 17 year old girl.

I wish a lot of things this year didn't happen, though theres nothing I can do about it. I can't stop time nor can I go back in time. You can wish all you want but it will never come true. You just have to see what you've done look at what you can learn from it and then move on. Sadly though, I guess I haven't figured out my "pony" (as one of my friends like to put it- meaning looking for the positive in a situation) in this situation which is sad seeing that we broke up in November but he did only move out of our house last month.

I wish someone could take me away, sweep me off of my feet and make me fall madly in love with them! But I guess thats every girls wish!

Onto other things- I wish
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