7 snidbits of Summer

Jan 23, 2008 10:22

A. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
B. Tag seven people to do the same.
C. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it". (Please note, I am not following this rule. I don't like these rules)

hmmm ok I am working on this while I "work" so ... yea

1. When I am really, really pondering/contemplating/working through something that someone said, I tend to look in the upper left corner of the room. An english teacher pointed this out to me (and the rest of the class) while we were discussing Rachel Carson's Silent Spring.

2. I get all geeky/giggly/excited when anyone mentions volcanoes, Hawaii, or skiing/snowboarding.

3. I tend to sing, whistle, or hum a song, tap my fingers to a drumbeat, or tick my tongue when I get bored or antsy. Well pretty much anytime I am just sitting. Drives my sister insane :)

4. Last week I snowboarded black diamond (Expert) runs with Charlie at Mammoth and at Tahoe :D

5. I love adventures, but hate making decisions .... so that whole "Choose your own Adventure" is an inner struggle.

6. I go through Q-tips like no other. I must have clean ears. hate that waxy clogged feeling. I think that this quark is a good thing. I have never had an ear ache or infection.

7. OCD manifests in many forms. I have this thing with eating candy like skittles, must eat in pairs that way both sides of the mouth are happy. :)

so whoever whatever whenever reply, comment, pass on etc.


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