Jan 07, 2005 14:11
if you live anywhere near me, stay indoors. really. you'll be safer that way.
I ventured out to my doctors appointment to find the electricity out on half the lights on the way (which sucks majorly cause they are busy streets). Get to the office to find it in powersave mode (they are running a generator). Sit in a room with some natural light for appointment. Drive home carefully, people are driving insane. Turn onto my street, to find that I am lucky I took the way home I did because a large tree fell and is blockign the street on the other side x.x.
holy carp. if its this bad tomorrow i'm not going home. if its still this bad at 5 I dont even know if I want to go to howards x.x this is BAD real BAD.
Not to mention I am slightly depressed cause my doctor said she cant do anything because the cyst in my wrist is too small to operate. Fuck. She said to keep doign what I've been doing, take advil at full dosage for a week when I feel pain. She said I have a small cyst and recurring tendonitis.
GAAAAAah! I'm going slightly insane. breathe. ok. yes.