Movie News

Aug 03, 2007 07:10

A ton of movies are coming out today and I'm not gonna lie; I am totally jacked to see The Bourne Ultimatum.

I love the Bourne Series!!!  I think that this is one  few franchises that improves with each film. The fight  scenes are arguably some of the best EVER (at least in the past five years) The reviews of the latest installment have been STELLAR

The first time I saw a trailer for Hot Rod, I thought it looked like Talladega Nights on Meth. My geek girl crush on Andy Samberg and adoration of Isla Fisher just aren't enough for me to see this extended SNL skit in theaters. It's no surprise that critics haven't been blown away...

And now we come to the Bratz Movie...sigh...

The Bratz Movie is a culmination of everything that I think is wrong with America's youth. The overuse of acronyms like "BFF" and lines like "Work that IQ, girl, but please don't lose your passion for fashion!" make me want to beat the writer of this film with a baseball bat.
Remember, for a short period of time Paula Abdul was a "producer"...this movie is bound to suck...and it does.
No joke, I'm actually getting angry writing  ABOUT the effin Bratz Movie!

I'm neither here nor there about El Cantante, the new biopic starring Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony. J Lo hasn't given a good performance since Out of Sight (LOVE that movie) and I'm not a huge fan of films with real-life couples...
The Entertainment Weekly Reviewer didn't hate it...
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