(no subject)

Dec 02, 2007 09:11

studies show that curiosity is one of the strongest emotions on the charts. it is literally mind boggling. in some movie, i forget which, the Devil himself would, to pass the time between eternal tortures, rip out the last pages from mystery novels. why is this a pursuit of the master of hell himself? bc the simple state of not knowing, of being clueless, or unsure, or curious, can make a person do absolutely insane things, and tear themselves apart. but putt this on a bigger scale? not mystery novels, but actual mysteries in life? its why explorers risk probable death, just to fill in the blank edges of the map. we always want to see what is just around the corner, whats just over the horizon, whats just on the other side of the universe, whats barely beyond the edge of death. ok, smaller scale. bc all thats a little ridiculous. a simple life mystery, a small thing, smth that could actually be nothing. but you dont know. so you drive yourself crazy, wanting to know whats going on, and if theres no good/possible way to find out, you either have to go into denial (not advisable) or deal w/ it more or less calmly. well, if u cant do that, ACT it god dammit! im still working on that phase myself, in fact
the funny thing about faith (different subject here) is that so many believe that you must have faith in God, and nothing else. or, faith in their respective religions rather. but faith comes in so many different forms. there are simple things one can believe absolutely. that the sun will rise tomorrow, no matter how bleak the world looks at twilight, that life will go on against all odds, that every problem will eventually resolve, in some way. that last is not a faith in God, or in fate, or in divine retribution. its just a fact, that just bc u want life to be crashing down in flames, even if it seems it should, it wont. and thats real faith. thats believing that no matter how bad things get, not only can it always be worse, it can always get better. and it will. this too shall pass. and thats true of everything, even those things that are perfect, happy, and absolutely blissfully wonderful. but that doesnt describe life. life has its ups and downs, right? everyone knows that. so everything everyone experiences is just...life. at its best. or worst. whatever. but believing that, not just riding the high when life is good and not just sinking into lethargy when life sucks, but understanding what it really is, and knowing not only that it can, but will, change, thats faith. real faith. or one type of it. feel free to agree or disagree, its just my opinion
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