The Rock Show

Aug 02, 2009 11:58

Oh man, I can't believe it's been almost a month since I last posted. :S Sorry, guys!

The rest of Quebec was better, and I'm glad I got the chance to go. I saw KISS, y'all! It was crazy! When I got back, I spent a very nice weekend in Victoria with my ladies, and now I'm back in PG, very bored and definitely very HOT. It has been SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO hot here, like above 30 for the past few weeks. Our house is a total sauna, and now that Jeff is back, I won't be able to walk around in my underwear anymore. :( Stupid roommates!

Anyway, this is just a quick post to tell you about my AWESOME trip to Edmonton to see Blink 182! In case you don't remember, I bought tickets to go see them for Ryan to thank him for putting up with me, haha. All he had to do was take a day off work, and I took care of the rest.

We got up really early on Friday morning and were on the road by 7:30. It was a beautiful drive through Jasper, and there wasn't a ton of traffic going our way, which was nice. We got into the city around 5, Alberta time, and eventually found our hotel downtown, called Matrix. I picked it using TripAdvisor 'cause it had such good reviews, and we were so not disappointed! It's fairly modern, and they just had all these nice, faux-classy touches like: free wine and cheese reception in the evening, free "deluxe" continental breakfast (which was super yummy and in a nice, restaurant-like dining room), a newspaper delivered to our door in the morning, bottled water in the fridge, a super-nice room with this awesome flat-screen LCD TV, and the best part - a KING-SIZED BED, woot! It was also only a block away from the LRT, so all we had to do was hop on and it took us right to Rexall Place and back! Anyway, definitely happy with the accommodations.

Now the concert! I thought we were only seeing either All-American Rejects or Fall Out Boy as the opener, but it turned out that they both played! I was pretty stoked since I like both bands. AAR blew FOB out of the water, which surprised me since I was more looking forward to the latter. Tyson Ritter was coked out of his mind and was writhing around like a crazy person with nothing on but stretchy, skin-tight pants, and copious amounts of sweat that made his body all shiny, haha. He kept calling us bitches and motherfuckers, and didn't seem to like the crowd all that much, but he was super entertaining and they just sounded really awesome. I was surprised how many songs I recognized. FOB was actually really disappointing and I was very bored during their set. Pete Wentz did all the talking, but he could've been speaking Arabic for all I know - he mumbled so badly that I couldn't understand a word he said. They didn't play as many of their singles as I was hoping, and I don't know... it just wasn't great, and I was glad when they were done.

Finally, Blink came on. Ryan was like a little boy on Christmas morning; it was the cutest thing ever. Not gonna lie, I was pretty pumped, myself! We were both worried it would suck, but our fears were totally unfounded - they put on an awesome show. At first, Tom and Mark didn't interact much... Mark was skipping around the stage, and Tom was doing the rockstar thing, on his knees and wailing on the guitar, blah blah. But as the show went on, they started joking around more and were just immature and hilarious. It was so awesome! Like before one song, they were all, "This is a song about our band. Cuz for awhile, we kinda hated each other, but now... we're staying together for the kids," and then played that, haha. And during another song, some guy made it onto the stage and was dancing around, then got tackled by security. During a little pause in the song, Tom said, "Bring him to my dressing room." Hee!

The best part was how into it everyone was. There were about 12,000 people there, of all ages (tons of really young people, which I wasn't expecting!), and EVERYONE was singing along. Hearing the whole arena sing along to those songs was just incredible and so much fun! And I've never seen so many people in line for merch before. Seriously, the lines for t-shirts were 5 times longer than the lines for booze. There was also an AMAZING drum solo where Travis's drum set was on a flying, revolving platform, and he was basically playing vertically while spinning around. It was insane! They played a lot more newer stuff than I would have liked, but there was lots for the old fans too - like the encore was "Carousel" and "Dammit," which I think confused some of the younger fans, haha. Some people started to leave to beat the crowd, and they were like, "Hey you perverts, we see you trying to leave! Get your asses back here! We have one more song, and you're gonna stay 'til the last second and you're gonna LIKE IT!" And they people totally came back! LOL. Oh, and then at the end, Mark didn't get off the stage... he just wandered around, making up a song, then sat at the drums and played along to the song playing over the loudspeakers. After like 5 minutes, he yelled at the crowd, "Why are you still here? Go home!" Heh.

WOW, I sound like a 15-year-old! That's kind of how I felt, though. :) Ohhh, it was so great! I'm SO glad we went! :D Then on Saturday we got to go to West Ed, where I made the requisite stop at Lululemon. Luckily, I didn't put myself into the poorhouse, though that's partly due to Ryan talking me down and helping me decide what to get. :P Then on the drive home, we drove through an insane thunderstorm that ended up causing a lot of damage in Edmonton and at Big Valley Jamboree. Crazy stuff!

Anyway, I better go get ready since we're about to head off camping for the night. Hope everyone is having a lovely long weekend! Sorry for the rambly, inarticulate post! It was just so awesome! Yay!
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