
Aug 03, 2004 17:02

well alicia just left..sadly:(.Shes the best, I love hEr! We had an intense game of vollyball in my room..knocked down a picture i had hanging on my wall lol some stuff off my dresser and off of the tv, but it was all worth it haha. we had a fight with those gell ball things you put in your bathtub and they explode and they smell good lol..well i ( Read more... )

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sayit_likeitis August 4 2004, 17:35:42 UTC
obviously noone care what you have to say. yup nadine is using corey? i mean they only been going out for about a year. i mean if nade was using him dont you think they would have broken up months ago? and anyway nade would never use anyone so why would shhe use someone who she loves? hmm..get a fucken life, one besides saying shit in other peoples journals. if you wanna say something please have the nerve to leave your name. and nade being thugg? pshh, shes one of the the few who was never thug. and it doesnt matter if you dress one way and listen to different types of music. and some adive.. get some friends. obviously nadine had plenty cause look how many people stuck up for her. its kinda sad but i actually feel bad for your sorry ass.

<33 lindsay


sayit_likeitis August 4 2004, 17:49:26 UTC
excuse me miss.. but if you noticed all of who stuck up for her you wouldve read the comment left right above yourz and your would've realized it was the wrong journal. i told nadine im sorry okay. i got the wrong nadine


sayit_likeitis August 4 2004, 17:50:49 UTC
and i did leave my name.. its Carrol


summerdreams_ August 4 2004, 19:33:28 UTC
thanks linzz but she had the wrong personn thanks anyways babe<333


sayit_likeitis August 4 2004, 19:43:45 UTC
haha i know. right after i commented i read it over and i saw the on before it. i was like oh man.. but w.e just a little late <33


summerdreams_ August 4 2004, 20:17:41 UTC
hahhaa! doesnt matter i still love ya!<3


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