
Aug 21, 2004 16:12

Who wakes up at 7:45 to go to field hockey on a Saturday....Freshman Field hockey has too! hmm well I woke up at 7:45 when I should have been up at 7:15 I had to get ready in 5 min. because I should be out of the house by 7:45..oh well I got there in time..we scrimmiged today.. it wasn't to hard of a practice...or maybe I am just getting used to it ( Read more... )

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anonymous August 22 2004, 13:51:54 UTC
ur fukin sick im so glad i dont hang out with u anymore wow ur so ronchie! go fuk corey


my_reply_ August 22 2004, 16:38:39 UTC
leave nadine alonee, omg do you comment in everyone's livejournal? groww up.


summerdreams_ August 22 2004, 16:55:40 UTC
Thank you who ever this is lol!


my_reply_ August 23 2004, 08:39:27 UTC
haha its cork nade.


summerdreams_ August 22 2004, 16:54:11 UTC
next time you wanna be tough please leave your fukin name!..obviously if I dont hang out with you anymore whoever you are, you DONT know me...so please dont act like you know what I do during my own time. I am glad you think I care about what you think about me...keep commenting like you know me I think its funny!


holdonitstragic August 22 2004, 18:02:01 UTC

So question, if you dont hang out with her anymore, why do you care about her? Ohh, thats right, your jealous you dont hang out with her because your a fucking loser and has no one to hang out with.

And P.S .. Maybe you should ask her to hang out again, because obviously you have no life and you just like to sit here wishing you had one while commenting fucking stupid comments.

P.P.S.. dont be jealous she has someone she could fuck* and you dont.

I love you nade <3!


summerdreams_ August 22 2004, 18:04:56 UTC
woowowwowowo loL I love you Liciaaaa it is that fucking* simple haHAHa!


holdonitstragic August 22 2004, 18:08:05 UTC
haha hell fucking* yes!


summerdreams_ August 22 2004, 18:09:02 UTC


holdonitstragic August 22 2004, 18:10:20 UTC


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