Let's start with 2017:
2017 Resolutions
Chew all that I have bitten off. I've been letting too many things slide. This resolution is twofold: one, chew more, and two, bite off less.
B-. There's still a lot of outstanding work, especially on the Chinese School front, but I don't feel terribly underwater. I've gotten more tardy with things, however. And one wrong thing (a traffic jam, an illness) can knock the whole precariously balanced pile of things off kilter.
Create a consistent creativity "brand." I've dabbled all over the place. I think it's time to consolidate and be know for one thing (or a few related things), instead of a hodgepodge. Creating soupycomics would help. And also I've printed a few anthologies at this point, so maybe more of that, too?
A-. I managed to make soupycomics.com over Thanksgiving break! I haven't really cut back on my fan stuff, but the other day I came up with an original comic idea that I'm pretty happy about, so I feel like I have direction again.
Find satisfaction in creative work. This one sounds a bit nebulous, but what I mean is that my creative work should not be stressful. My time is so precious anyway, I should just do the things I want to do, and improve at a pace that feels comfortable. Sometimes I feel like I spend a lot of time doing creative-adjacent things, like organizing or managing. I'm good at that, but it's ultimately not that satisfying.
B+. I feel like I've drastically cut back on the managery/organizing stuff after July. Not all of my art stuff since then has felt satisfying, but overall I feel like I'm moving in the right direction.
Optimize social interactions. This is related to the previous, which is that I want to make sure my hangouts and fandom interactions (exchanges, etc) are likewise non-stressful. There are many types of social interactions. I should aim for the ones that make me feel rejuvenated and not ones that make me feel tired or hollow.
B?? I'm not sure what past self was talking about, but I don't generally feel tired or hollow. The last time was about 2 months ago, so I think that's generally a good sign. (Although I often feel ... resigned. Like "whelp, yet another day". But ... that's different??)
Successful job transition. Get the company to a good place, wrap up the majority of the webapp, and find a teacher job that I'd like. ::knock on wood::
A! I'd say it's been pretty successful overall!
Overall, I'd say that's .. around a B+? But at the cost of outsourcing my responsibilities to friends and family.
And now, 2018:
Be more supportive of friends and family. Specifically: be more explicit about carving out time for Chinese School (parents). Reclaim some of the household chores in a sustainable way (Hoosband). Do Chinese School grading earlier so that there's more time spent with Rutabaga on Saturday.
Work on the higher-energy creative work. Even if it's hard. Without feeling shame about low-energy fandom work, but -- take the time to sit down and plan out some proper creative work.
Be mindful of burnout. Not just for self, but also for family. Hugs make everything better! Going to sleep earlier helps, too!