"Who needs sleep? Well, you never gonna get it.
Who needs sleep? Tell me what's that for."
The problem with sleep is that when you get enough everything's good, but when you don't life just sucks. And sleep takes up so much time. It's such a waste! All those good hours, and what are you doing? Exactly! Sleeping, that's what! It's dead space, wasted, gone.
Except that there are few things more enjoyable than a good sleep. You just can't win.
It's like laundry. Or dishes. No matter how much you do it, there's always more. It's a good thing sleep is so much more fun and less work than laundry and dishes, you have to do so much more of it.
People liked my MK/HL crossover, so here's another part of it.
Duncan Macleod (of Clan Macleod) was heading back to his hotel room after a long and satisfying dinner when he first felt the buzz. He stopped and looked around cautiously-it was late and the streets were deserted, and although he felt confident, he would rather avoid a fight altogether.
Then he heard the shouts, followed by distant cursing and police whistles. Duncan raised an eyebrow as he took his hand off his katana and stepped to the side.
A figure dressed in white dashed by-and was that a top hat?-followed by a young boy and someone in an inverness coat. A dozen policemen were close behind, led by an angry officer with a bright red face.
Right then. Duncan let out his breath and stepped into the street again-
and was almost trampled by a horde of screaming fangirls.
He carefully looked both ways before stepping onto the street again. “My name is Macleod Duncan of the Macleod family,” he called to the immortal buzz that hadn’t faded, “and I mean you no harm.”
A young man clad in white detached itself from the shadows and bowed. “Kaitou Kid. I have no problem with you if you have no problem with me.”
Duncan frowned. “Why were they chasing you?”
A gloved hand held a large red jewel up to the moonlight. “This.” He tossed it to Duncan, who caught it easily. “Feel free to return it to the police.”
And he was gone.
Duncan looked at the jewel in his hand. Then he shrugged and headed in the direction the crowd had gone.
Might as well return it, after all.
Kaitou Kid Steals Ruby Moon, the headline the next morning read. Chief Nakamori vows to catch thief in future. Duncan scanned the article down to the part about foreigner returns jewel and sighed.
He was getting too old for this.
“Hah!” Methos (sometimes known as Adam Pierson) exclaimed around a mouthful of beer. “You, too old? You’re barely a baby!”
“The kid couldn’t have been more than sixteen,” Duncan countered. “And he was definitely new.”
Methos took another long gulp of beer before replying. “And you couldn’t find him after that?”
Duncan spread his hands. “He disappeared.” He gave Methos a long look. “I’m not sure I like that smile.”
“What smile?” Methos asked innocently. Then he leaned forward, a gleam in his eyes that Duncan knew he didn’t like. “I know just the person for this job.”
“Who better to catch a thief than another thief?” Methos continued with implacable logic.
Duncan shook his head, “No. Absolutely not.”
“And I know just the person to call her,” Methos finished, and pointed a finger at Duncan. “You!”
Duncan buried his face in his arms. “Why me?”
Methos signaled for another beer. “Karma.”
Duncan whimpered, then signaled for another as well.
Owe Amanda another favor?
He most definitely need more beer for this.
Next up (maybe): Kaitou Kid realizes the benefits (and disadvantages) of immortality.
Rayale, sorry I didn't call you the other day-- I fell asleep. I will call you this weekend, really I will.