Cat scratch fever...

Oct 01, 2011 10:25

Sometimes Oreo, our boy cat, will put his two front paws (and claws) on something, and then give out a big stretch. The other day, the spot he picked, happened to be my ball sack! This, as you can imagine, caused quite a bit of pain, It even drew a little blood, but fortunately not so much that I needed a bandaid. Let's be honest, pulling a bandaid off your skin hurts enough, pulling one off of your ball sack would REALLY hurt!

Work is so so. I've accepted the fact that I'm no longer the lead, and now HE has all of the pressure. It's actually worked out quite well (for me), but for the people we support, him, and my manager, not so well, because while I just focus on my work, as I'm supposed to, a lot of other problems, that used to be mine, but aren't anymore, no longer get solved. Oh well, not my problem. We're losing a few people in the next month or so, and guess who gets to pick up the slack. Me. Great.

The SO's dad gets more and more closer to death, and that's sad. I dread the day when he actually dies, but for right now, he's doing okay for a man who is terminally ill with cancer. The SO has been spending a lot of time in Cali, so that leaves me on my own, but oh well, I manage.

We move into our new house in the middle of October. I could care less for right now, because I still don't consider this place our home. She's thrilled, even though it was all of my money going for the down payment.

My allergies have never been worse since moving here, and I wonder if it's something in the air, the apartment or something else...

Oh well, I'm off to a home show, because that's how I roll now on a Saturday. Yes, I've finally become my parents.

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