Parade o' Fics, Day 1

Dec 01, 2006 22:05

OMG teh linkz..... *ded*

But I can't resist clicking! So I have 16 tabs open in my browser and I can't, I literally *can't read them all 'cause I have to study for omg test tomorrow. So here are the links. (Except the art, which I'm just going to leave comments on.) This is my "to read" list. I'm sure I'll have more tomorrow.

Noticed Him Fading (Harry/Draco, NC-17) 3700 words. Draco hates France.
Love Bites ("TNT Contribution fic") (Snarry, NC-17?) by witling. Also, same author, "Shame the Devil".
*** In the beginning (Sirius/Harry, Sirius/Remus/Harry, NC-17).
*** Home Improvement (Snupin, NC-17). Loooong.
Hopes and Fears (Snupin, NC-17), by busaikko.
*** Wolf Masterson in the Naughty Professor IV: Prefect's Revenge (Snupin, NC-17). 4700 words, by violet_quill.
Up To No Good (Sirius/Remus, NC-17). Medium length
Cannabis (Snape Pomona Gen, PG-13). 1100 words, by mnemosyne_1.
*** Dissolute (Lucius/Narcissa, NC-17).
His Due (Snupin, pg-13), 23,000 words. Leave feedback at lupin_snape. (This one was sweet and very different - Severus with his American cousins!)
Centrefold (Sirius/Harry/Remus, NC-17). 3100 words.
A Cliche That Fits (Harry/Neville, NC-17). 3500 words? It was well told, and very interesting concept of a curse.

parade, recs

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