Nov 05, 2006 22:09
Hey guys, I know I haven't updated or commented on ANYTHING in a while. Stuff has been a bit crazy.
I slept as much as I could Tue Wed Thurs and Fri.. I just felt worn out. I do feel like I am coming down with something but can't really tell what it is. Everyone and their brother is shouting "you're pregnant" even my husband. -rolls eyes- OK so the symptoms are like early pregnancy but I am not even close to starting yet either and I have my good friend IUD. So I think it is just a combo of having my mouth worked on and fighting something off.
Friday night I worked until 4:30 am on order and the Saturday I spent half the day with a girlfriend looking for things that we need for orders and for laundry soap. I also stripped all of my diapers from the Sportwash. It makes me sad.. it works GREAT on my diapers but I don't think it is safe for Hunter's skin. I came home and worked more on orders while I wait for supplies to finish them out. I stayed up WAY WAY WAY to late again and Hunter decided to scream at 6:30 this morning and wake up. He was good though... we played in his room until noon and had a blast!!! We played lets hug and love on mommy and tell her about my toys. We also played under the sheets like it was a parachute and we made a fort and had tea for his fluffies.
When he took his nap I went right back to cutting diapers. I managed to cut 22 entire diapers in 2 1/2 hours! That is a record for me considering that not a single print was the same. And I found a very small amount of Procare in the closet in my scrap box that I made good use of! -proud- So Hunter wakes up (Brian slept till 4 pm today btw) and he has a super HUGE snack. He was so cute! I laid out strawberries one by one and he counted them as I put them down on his plate. Then he asked for crackers and he counted those... then he asked for more strawberries and I gave him two and said he couldn't have anymore and he sighed at me and said. "Count?" So we went around the house and counted stuff like his blocks and toy cars and pillows on the couch blah blah blah... he loves to clap for himself hahahaha.
I just got done finishing out a few more invoices and have to admit I could have gone to bed an hour ago and would have been happy with that. UGH! I am doing a craft show next Saturday with my helper as well and have a meeting with a store that is interested in carring Sumbuns..but they only want white ones! WTF? So it will be a busy week :P