Apr 10, 2010 21:02
Soo... pain started to go away, but then I needed to sit in car for 6 hours in yesterday and it backfired on me.. of course. But I'll endure it.
Yesterday was niece's christening. Her name is Ada. Her bigsister is Ida... If they get third daughter one day wonder what'll be her name.. there's no Eda on Finnish names... Tilda? Oh, well.. Back to topic. I thought I've seen small babies. I mean Tuomas was pretty small. But Ada is THE smallest I've ever holded. She was practically weightless...though I do carry a nine kilos in my arms everyday, so it might have something to do with the sensation. Ada was cute and had so dark blue eyes... sister claimed that some family members claimed that she looks like me when I was a baby (though I was NOT that small) hmm... does that mean that Ada and Tuomas will look like definite relatives? Cause everyone says Tuomas looks like me when I was baby...
There was sale on a bookstore at one gasstation/restell on our way yesterday. I found a book that I can use as reference in my thesis. It was actually two books and original price 120 euros. I got it for 16,90... not bad, don't you think? Good thing that I was hungry, because if we drove straight to meet my mum, we would have missed that opportunity.
Tomorrow is "wash all the clothes you think you'll need and pack" day. I'll go visit my sister and stay there couple of days. Writing my thesis. And Tuomas will go visit his grandmother aka my mum. So, that means I won't be able to use internet while I'm away... see you later alligator...