Father's Day

Nov 08, 2009 23:14

We celebrated Father's Day today... This year was bit unceremonious. Though I did bring coffee to bed for my Darling and gave him a present. I guess everyone was tired from the Fair yesterday and today's catering. I stayed home with Tuomas. He was bit restless. Rest of the day I was playing with my new mobile, downloading bunch of stuff on my laptop and coverting mp3s to format that my mobile understands... finally I can have ringtone I want/like and I think I can guarantee that there won't be many with same tone as I.... Jpop rules!

I seriously need contact lenses.. Tuomas took  my glasses twice today. Though itsy-bitsy fingermarks are cute, I'd still like to see, and have my glasses fitting me... I just need to go to optician first. It's been three years from last time and I think my vision has changed somewhat. Not much but enough to notice it. 
Lol, Tuomas can  be overly cute. He bite me few times with his tooth and dan it did hurt when he hit it right. But the concentrated look on his face... I was laughing like  maniac...

There was that Mass today too.. Didn't go. I was thinking to listen that on the radio. But you know me, I forgot. And I was advertising it so much... yeah well, shoemaker's child don't have shoes...

baby, life, random

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