May 24, 2012 09:20
It's getting warm and summery outside and I feel weird wearing a coat every morning. But +11 Celcius is not THAT warm.. and I need my voice to be able to work so I'm not taking chances. It's hard enough to keep it working as it is. Afternoons are fun though... and at lunch me and my workmate are going to sit by the river.
Tuomas is still not walking. But he's getting more active and chipper himself again, so there's plenty of hope. Though he's getting cranky easier. But then again, I bet I would too, if I couldn't move easy and mother was being a bitch deciding that bottles are for babies and I'd need to drink from big sport bottle or a glass. <.< We had couple entertaining evenings with "I cry until I'm too tired to cry anymore" episodes.
Anyway, I "consulted" few baby/toddler forums in the webs and found out that we are not alone with this. Apparently few toddlers twist their leg somehow, nothing shows in xrays but it takes 2 weeks to month until they even consider walking again. The doctor said to me on Monday that we should go back if Tuomas still isn't walking by the middle of the week... I need to remind Darling about that.
Yesterday I bought food enough for a little army. Or at least enough for me to survive until holiday starts. Yay. Only reasons to go to store are milk, bread and water melons... Hopefully I get to keep it that way. It would be nice to save some money since we are going to Stockholm in June. And I still have those dishes I wanted to collect.
my baby is growing