Apr 30, 2005 01:40
alright i know noone reads this journal. i have no link on my profile and i doubt anyone on my friends list reads these entires but tonights one of those nights i need to get alot out and this is the perfect place for that. noone will read this and thats ok but its just stuff i need to get out
so basically im in a compeltely thankful mood right now. ive looked back on this school year and sometimes i wonder how i got through the bad days, the bad weeks, the shitty moods and all the crap. and first off i have to thank my best friends, the 9 people who could all easily be my other half. ive always wanted to write a kind of thank you type list or the im grateful for you type list. and i think this is a good time for it
i want to thank:
christine for being there for me since forever. she has given me the best advice and has just loved me and taught me alot about love. for teaching me so much about life. shes always supported me. just for letting me know shed always be there
sara for being sara because there is NOONE like her and she gets me in ways i swear noone else in this world could. id trust her with my life anyday. shes makes me laugh like noone else can and she always understands where i come from with anything
sasha for seeing me through it all. shes seen me at my best and worst and i cant say that about alot of people. theres so muchwhen i think back to her. all the times we cryed, laughed, everything. noone can replace her. shes my best friend. shes also been like my family, like a sister
ang for all the help. making me laugh till i cryed. for being her. for making me forget every problem. ive been lucky to have her as a best friend. shes one of the best people. i tell her everything. i could never ever live without her. life would be so different. and id hate it cause ang is the person i look to for everything
jess for absouletly everything. being there for me 100%. for knowing everything about me and for being able to finish my secntences. she gives me hope and she always makes me feel better. i trust her with everything. shes knows me inside out
casey for sharing my brain with me. for being herself with me no matter what. for being paris hilton and nicole richie with me. shes makes me laugh everyday and gives me strength. no friendship is like ours. no matter what we love eachother and see eachother through it all and we know it. shes just an amazing person
joe for being there. to me, the smartest person ever. hes never ever ever let me down and hes always given me advice. hes my guy best friend. noone trys to see where im coming from like he does. something i appericate the most is our friendship
rach for being so trustworthy and so honset and trusting me with the same. for being there for me and helping me and doing things to me. shes amazing and in so many ways i look up to her. theres just noone like her. who else would be my "biff"?
deb for being my shibay. for being so caring and innocent. for helping me and listening to me and everything shes done. for letting me call her debil and shib and all the crazy things. for being herself and everything. and for impersonaiting corey and making me laugh all the time
these are all of my best friends. the people who i like look foward to seeing everyday. then of course theres my taylor and kerry who are my basic family. for understanding me and growing up with me and being there for me. my basic sisters who let me steal their clothes and when i walk in at 630 in the morning or 3 in the afternoon or 8 at night having it be perfectly normal
then theres the people who just make everyday go by quicker and make me smile. for dave who taught me slapboxing and makes me laugh insane amounts. whos there for me when i need him. for wren who makes me laugh every single day no matter how shitty of a mood im in, i swear theres a reason i have morning classes with her. they knew when id have a bad morning shed be the only one to cheer me up. for bryan whos the only guy whos cool enough to give me his jacket all day if im cold or his teeshirt when i need one or helping me with guys. for sam whos had to listen to my pointless stories everday and never said a word. for justin who i just met but has made me smile an insane amount. hes just himself. for nina whos always been encourgaing and got me out of the being in love with coreys brother phase i went in. for joey who sat mith me half a year in study hall making me laugh everyday and letting me go on aimlessly everyday. for jen who laughs at my craziness and intersets me with stories and always helps me if i need it. for val who runs around with me everywhere during class and entertains me and tells me to just shut the hell up when i go through one of my freaking out moments, i need that. for kevin whos there for me everyday 5th and 6th period. who just watchs with all the werid people do with me and laughing about it with me. for adam who i whine to and bother and complain to and hit and get crazy mad at and for letting me do it and still smiles after. for melissa for encourgaing me and helping me and listening to me. and making me laugh so much. noone is like melissa. id die without her this year. for alexis who tells me ill be fine when i think i wont be and tells me i can start over if i mess up something. putting up with all the dumb shit she hears from me at lunch. for mike whos been my boof forever and for listening to me and helping me through literally everything. hes been the best ever. for tor who sits everyday in 9th and listens to me complain and who encourgaes and makes me laugh and tells me the answers when i have no idea. for matt for putting up with me and casey every single night we call him and who makes us pee our pants. for ken too cause he does the same in the chats we have. for kimmy and katie for making me laugh and giving me good advice always. for the crazys on the bus aka danny mike and sean because even tho they bother me and take me shoes and bag and phone they make me laugh. and sometimes when i have a shitty day i need there stupid letters they give me that says i remind them of a toast to make me laugh. for steph whos made me laugh all the time in class and making it not so boring. for ally for listening to me in gym and telling me some great stoires cause she knows i loves it and for being ally for me. for andrew for being the same everytime i talk to him. for jared for sending me text messages at 12am cause they always make me laugh. for ang and gen in gym who we all can laugh at and with cause ang stoned and gens insane. for mike the way he was and sitting in the mall for hours with us ill never forget that. for buddy for being completly crazy and making me laugh when i dont think i can
for all these people. this random mix of all these people for making me smile and helping me when i needed it even if they didnt know they were. sometimes just one person smiling at you can just make it all seem to go away
and of course for my family. like my parents who are insane but i love them anyways. they do everything for me and im usually ungrateful. for my brother and sister who i see less now but i miss. for my brother who drives me everywhere and picks me up everywhere and for being there for me. for all my cousins for caring when im having a shitty day
because everyone i meationed has been there for me in some way. helped me in some way. helped me figure out life goes on. its not everyday you realize how much certain people mean to you and today i did and i thought id write it all. cause everyone i meationed has helped me along. and ill nmiss this school year cause ill miss these people. the ones i wont see over the smmer. but ill read this and ill look back on this one day when im in one of the shitttest moods and ill rememebr how much it meant to me to have that random smile and random talk and knowing that life will just be ok