album launch

Jun 09, 2007 17:54


There was a time, long long ago, when Duckdive decided they would record an album. There was even a fundraiser that you might remember. And then time stretched on and on, and members came and went, and the album was started and abandoned and started again, but this time with drums. And at the end of 2006 it was finished. And then it was shopped around, and then there was a record deal...and now, as we speak, it's being manufactured.

So, after nearly two years (or is it more? I shudder to think), Duckdive are absolutely stoked to announce that their debut album 'Stories for Another Day' will be launched NEXT MONTH. And we really thought this day would never come!

Friday July 27 - Duckdive album launch!
Northcote Social Club
$10 entry
With The Triangles and other special guests.

Please, please write it in your diaries - and if you've been promising to come to see a show for ages and haven't been along, and if you only come to see one Duckdive show this year, then make it this one!

More details to come...but we wanted to give you plenty of warning.

Much love,
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