May 23, 2006 17:16
Well it's been a fucker of a week, and it's only Tuesday. Let's see what has happened:
- had a domestic infront of the entire contents of bar 303 and northcote social club. funny in retrospect, but frighteningly horrible at the time.
- dad went into hospital for "minor keyhole surgery" but ended up sporting a very large cut on his chest with lots of stitches
- dad finding out he has lung cancer
- me being sad cos my mum has gone through a lot in her life, and i don't know what to do
- all my fish are sick
- got a job interview tomorrow which i don't even know what it's for, don't even know if it's casual, part time or full time
- only a couple more weeks until school finishes for the semester, and i have a whole semesters worth of homework to do.
BUT...on the plus side, i got the new phoenix album and it is sort of making me a little happier. thanks phoenix.