
Jun 15, 2005 12:32

Yeah, so i just finished my first two finals (lmao thats such an oxymoron if you think about it...) and they were pretty easy. Speech and debate i had to give a speech to the president as if he were sitting in front of me. Mr. President, as an American citizen, I believe that the United States needs to partially fund the American Civil Liberties Union in their fight to promote equality. The American Civil Liberties Union, or ACLU, is an organization founded in 1920 that is dedicated to the equality of civil rights as defined for Americans by our Constitution’s Bill of Rights. According to, their mission statement is reasoned by the belief that if the rights of society’s most vulnerable members are denied, everybody’s rights are imperiled. Our American values are based on our forefather’s belief that all men are created equal, and this organization truly takes this to heart by fighting for the rights of all in a peaceful manner. They bring over 6,000 civil rights cases to our nation’s courtrooms every year. The ACLU is basically funded by the membership dues owed to them. I did some research and as a minimum, the 400,000 members of the ACLU pay at least $20 for their membership dues. These dues not only pay for their nationwide offices, but also for many of their lawyers. These 400,000 membership dues bring in a little over $8,000,000, and with more than 6,000 court battles a year, that’s about $1,333 per case. These figures don’t even factor in office expenses. Court cases are also extremely expensive. For example, a contested divorce case with custody issues which settles before trial date can cost an average of $75,000. Coming back to the $1,333 that civil rights cases receive, the ACLU membership dues are $73,667 short of paying for just a divorce case. Therefore, I’m asking you, Mr. Bush, to propose and sponsor a bill to be introduced to Congress that would ask for funding from the Compassion Capital Fund of the Health and Human Services budget, which consists of $100 million for the efforts of community based organizations, to go to the ACLU in their fight to promote equality. I leave you with a quote known as the preamble of the United States Constitution, written by our founding-fathers: “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our prosperity, do Ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” I'm wicked happy cuz i think i did really really good on it. the only thing i messed up on was when i said 4,000 members instead of 400,000 members, but i only did it once, so i dont think mr. allen noticed. The written part was pretty easy, too. Then i hung out with adam and richard between finals and studied for math while i attempted to eat some breakfast. The alg. final was pretty easy. i only didnt get like 3 questions. I couldnt remember the formulas for point-slope, two-point, and all those :/. Oh, did i mention my ipod was stolen on monday!? yeahhh it sucks, a lot. considering i only have two days left to find it, i'm screwed. :(
I'll just do a survey and then study for my lit final for tomorrow.

First best friend: Nicole Donlon.
First car: Considering i'm not even 15 1/2 yet, i dont have a car. but i hope its a 2006 eclipse, or an acura rsx :D
First real kiss: Christopher- October 30, 2005
First break-up: too many to count, but the first "big" break-up was with Christopher in um....January? i dont even remember the exact was more of a gradual kinda thing :/
First screen name: my fist aol sn/email address was lilshorte621 and my first sn was cassiechoi
First self purchased album: Spice Girls! haha hell yes!
First pets: Grunt was a black lab that we had before i was born, and then there was Raisin, the stupid fat cat that bit me all the time, and then we got Simba, the golden retriever when i was 4 but we had to give him away cuz he bit my brother :/
First piercing/tattoo: I got my ears pierced when i was 4 (i think i was 4)
First true love: Christopher
First enemy: Amanda in kindergarten
First big trip: Umm..Canada when i was like 5. I lost my bikny when i was there!! Binky was a pillow that i absolutly LOVED and my mom forgot it on the bed. We even drove back to go get it but it was gone :(

Last cigarette: n/a
Last car ride: My mom picked me up from BG and brought me to the club..where i am now.
Last kiss: Nick, April 21, for my bday dinner
Last good cry: Good cry, as in crying for a good reason? When i watched the notebook. Or good cry, as in crying profusly? Um...when nick broke up with me :/
Last library book checked out: hahah i haven't checked out a book from teh library since the 8th grade research report that i failed. i checked out like 8 books about the Chicago white sox baseball scandal of 1921 (?)
Last movie seen: The longest yard- awesome movie!
Last beverage drank: coke...which i'm drinking right now
Last food consumed: Spice fry thingies from school for breakfast? haha
Last crush: last puppy-dog crush was on Jaime, but he's a sophmore and probably has NO IDEA who i am. but i have a "real" crush on someone else :X
Last phone call: um...i dont think lauren counts cuz she hung up on me :/ so um....Richard
Last time showered: 6:15 this morning
Last shoes worn: I'm wearing my uber-slut shoes right now cuz they were the only ones that matched my shorts :P
Last item bought: um...if food doesnt count...i went shopping at abercrombie on saturday and bought blue plaid shorts, a white skirt, and jean carpis.
Last time scolded: My mom yelled at me when i wouldnt tell her what i was doing (i was mailing something to chris)

r e l a t i o n s h i p s
01. who are your best friends? Lauren, and Nick
02. do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Nope :)

f a s h i o n | s t u f f
01. where is your favourite place to shop? Abercrombie 0;)
02. any tattoos or piercings? just piercing of the ears

s p e c i f i c s
01. do you do drugs? nope
02. what kind of shampoo do you use? Blackberry-avacado-mango Herbal Essences
03. what are you most scared of? Being held underwater-being drowned :/
04. what are you listening to right now? Classical music that is playing through-out the club
05. where do you want to get married? Beach or in a really small, stone church
06. how many buddies are online right now? 45 out of 200. Then again, its only 1:00 in the afternoon and everyone is still in school
07. what would you change about yourself? I wish i weren't so judgemental

f a v o u r i t e s
01. color: Tickle me Pink (crayola) and Orange :)<-the colors of my new room!!
02. food: idk, too many choices.
03. boys' names: Jordan, Taylor, Damien
04. girls' names: Jordyn, Taylor, Lizbeth,
05. subjects in school: Speech and debate, lit, and math is uber easy.
06. animals: um...dogs and penguins! :)
07. sports: Hockey, baseball, and a lil bit of golf here and there
08. perfume: Umm...Bath and Body Works Sweet Pea or Rasberry
09. cologne: Abercrombie kids' cologne. my brother has it. haha

h a v e | y o u | e v e r
01. given anyone a bath? haha no
02. smoked? nope
03. bungee jumped? nope, but i'm going to before i die.
04. made yourself throw up? not really
05. skinny dipped? haha nopeee not yet
06: ever been in love? uh huh
07. made yourself cry to get out of trouble? yuppp 0;)
08. pictured your crush naked? no way 0:) hahahahaha
09. actually seen your crush naked? nopee
10. cried when someone died? uh huh. i even cried for cory's mom and i didnt even know her
11. lied? ha. duh.
12. fallen for your best friend? twice.
13. been rejected? of course
14. rejected someone? eh. yeh :/
15. used someone? haha maybe?
16. done something you regret? yuppp

c u r r e n t
clothes: blue plaid abercrombie shorts, a blue polo, and a blue tank looks a lot better than it sounds hahaha
music: classical
make-up: eye-liner and mascara
annoyance: blahhh kyle
smell: Jyl's coffee
favorite artist: like music artist?
desktop picture: a picture of me and daniel from the time we went out to dinner
book you're reading: I just finished Prep, but i havent had time to start a new book yet
cd in player: i have an ipod, actually, HAD, cuz it got stolen on monday :(
dvd in player: Peter Pan :D
color of toenails: Hot Pinkish/Reddish :P

l a s t | p e r s o n
you touched: Tim. :D I was helping him fix his shirt for work :P
hugged: umm...Derek? idk
you imed: Danny Goy :)
you kissed: Nick

a r e | y o u
understanding: most of the time
open-minded: yupp
arrogant: sometimes :/
insecure: about somethings, yes.
interesting: sure
hungry: a lil
smart: my mommy says i am 0:) haha
moody: hell yes.
hardworking: depends
organized: i try to be
healthy: not really :/
shy: umm nah
attractive: idk
bored easily: haha nopeee
responsible: i guess
obsessed: haha no 0:)...okay, so maybe i'm obsessed a lil over certain things
angry: umm no
sad: Sometimes
disappointed: sometimes
happy: sometimes
hyper: hahahaha lauren within speaking distance= cassie hyperrrr
trusting: mostly
talkative: depends on who's around
legal: legal? as in over 18? haha nopeee

w h o | d o | y o u | w a n n a
slap: umm....a lot of people. but mostly Kyle, and umm...everyone else isnt even worth being named
get high with: lauren i suppose
look like: *shrugs* idk, someone besides me
talk to offline: Chris
talk to online: umm...idk- Jaime!! hahaha

r a n d o m
in the morning i am: sleeping? or getting dressed? or in school?
all i need is: love
love is: powerful. <- i like (whoever did this)'s answer
i dream about: i havent had any dreams in a long time, or ones that i remember when i wake up at least

w h i c h | i s | b e t t e r
coke or pepsi: umm...coke? but i only like it in a cup with ice.
flowers or candy: flowers. you can never go wrong with flowers. they may die eventually, but at least they dont go right to your hips :P
tall or short: umm....idk

r a n d o m
what do you notice first: sense of humor/manners
last person you danced with: probably nick at semi cuz we havent had any dances since then
worst question to ask: ummm....
who makes you laugh the most: Lauren or Richard
who makes you smile: Richard and Chris
who gives you a funny feeling when you see them: Chris. i cant decide whether its nerves, or butterflies
who do you have a crush on: a little crush on jaime, but the other person is um... :X
who has a crush on you: hahaha i have no idea

d o | y o u | e v e r
sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone to IM you: mhm
save conversations: a couple
wish you were a member of the opposite sex: sometimes, like during 'that time of the month'
wish you were younger: nahhh
cry because someone said something to you: yupp

n u m b e r
of times i have had my heart broken: twice
of hearts i have broken: idk
of guys i've kissed: 3
of girls i've kissed: 0
of continents i have lived on: one
of tight friends: umm..5?
of cds i own: a lot
of scars on body: four on my arm, a couple from hockey (2 blister scars from skates), one on my head from my straightener :/, and umm.... oh yeah- one on my nose from chicken pox, but it looks like i pierced my nose haha. so all together thats like...8?
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