Jan 05, 2007 12:24
New Years=fantastic.
yeah, that's about it! haha. Um, let's see. I love life. It's pretty crazy how things turn out in the end. The boy situation is going alright. No complaints there. Today's Marisa's Birthday. Amanda's is coming up soon. Gotta take off of work for that, so we can party hard <33 haha.
Last week was interesting. haha. I ended '06 with making up with several people which I am soooo glad of. So far, 07 is going smoothly.
My New Years resolution this year is to be nicer to boys and to not play with their hearts. Cause I use to be pretty good at that, and it's not fair. lol.
Amanda and Me got piercings the other night. Cause we were bored. haha. I got my belly button. She got her conked. (spelling please?)
I love this weather. It's amazing. I can NOT wait until this upcoming summer! It's gonna be insane. and tons of fun. I'm stoked. Even though I have a full winter to get through. haha. I'm always one step ahead of everyone else. I like it that way.
I had something specifically to write in here. And I totally forget what it is. And I rambled on enough so if I remember I'll just have to update again. later beeyatchhhhh <33