Because I will not scream.

Mar 04, 2007 02:38

I have a thief in my store. Thief. And they will be going down. :P As if there's not enough stress in my life. :P

Okay, so in order to ignore the fact I have a thief in my store for a few minutes and try to calm down enough to sleep for a few hours before heading back in, I'm making a short, random post that will not mention thieves and their thieving ways.

1) Did you know that Aaron Eckhart is slated to play Harvey Dent/Two-Face in the upcoming Batman films? HOMG, I don't know how these movies could get any, any better. Thank you, Christopher Nolan!

2) "Casino Royale" is all of that and a bag of chips. ALL OF THAT. Because Daniel Craig totally owned the role and he looks like a guy who's a) been in a few scraps and b) probably came out on top in most of them. And the M/Bond dynamic was off the hook!

And, because M/Bond was so good and astolat wrote a fabulous story about the two of them and politics and sexual power plays and it was seriously marvelous before I saw the movie but is about a thousand times more fabulous now that I've seen the movie, therefore I must pimp:

Queen of Spades, by Astolat

Also, because I am not thinking of thieves and their thieving ways, I will post some shiny prettiness of Daniel Craig as Bond. James Bond.

ZOMG - the blue, blue eyes!

Looking fabulous at the Casino Royale. So kind of him to strike a pose...

Comforting Vesper. In the shower. I probably should've capped her clutching at him without her fingers all in his mouth, but... sue me, it's hot. Even though it's not. :D

HOMG! Blue, blue eyes and a little bloodied after a fight.

The tux. The penetrating "I am not amused" stare. Enough said.

Amused Bond! Smirking/smiling behind his drink. Look at the little crinklies around his eyes. FTW!

These pants on him are like the best. thing. EVER. These pants win at life. Also, the bare feet don't hurt, either. But the pants! LOOK AT THE PANTS, I say!

Do I really have to say anything here? I thought not.

I wish I looked as cool as this when I drive! NOT FAIR. Too much cool!

Casual with the silenced whatever the hell that is. I'm better with handguns, dammit!

Not that you can see it, but his hand is in his pocket. With the casual gun stance. Totally wins at life, does Bond. (Also, someone's about to meet the business end of that silenced barrel, given the look on M. Bond's face.)


"List seven songs you are into right now, no matter what the genre, whether they have words, or even if they're not any good, but they must be songs you're really enjoying now. Post these instructions in your Live Journal along with your seven songs. Then tag seven other people to see what they're listening to."

1) "Enid", Barenaked Ladies. This one popped up on St. John and I had to listen to it another three or four times. I'd forgotten how much I LOVED this song.

"I can get a job, I can pay the phone bills
I can cut the lawn, cut my hair, cut out my cholesterol
I can work overtime, I can work in a mine
I can do it all for you,
But I don't want to."

2) "Jeremy", Pearl Jam. Just always, always have loved this song.

"Try to forget this, try to erase this from the blackboard..."

3) "Echo Park", Joseph Arthur

"Walking with you down from Echo Park
The ghosts filling the trees
The fire never understands the spark
The way it is with you and me"

4) "Comfortably Numb", the Roger Waters, Van Morrison and the Band version from The Wall: Live in Berlin. Because "The Departed" kicked just so much ass, and I always have loved this version of the song. :D

"There is no pain, you are receding.
A distant ship’s smoke on the horizon.
You are only coming through in waves.
Your lips move but I can’t hear what you’re saying."

5) "Master Exploder", Tenacious D. So stupidly awesome, and watching it in the movie with the costume changes and fan reactions is priceless!

"Sorry, I did not mean, (he did not mean)
to blow your mind (to blow your mind)
But that should happen to it,
all the time!"

6) "We Both Go Down Together", the Decemberists. Sigh.

"Meet me on my vast veranda
My sweet untouched Miranda
and while the seagulls are crying
we fall but our souls are flying"

7) "Total Eclipse of the Heart", Tori Amos covering Bonnie Tyler. It's Tori and one of my favorite soppy romantic ballads from the 80's. What is not to love?

4. The Girl Scouts are selling cookies outside of my store all weekend. I used to be a Girl Scout, for something like 10 or 11 years. I seem to recall they used to have sandwich cookies with vanilla cream? But they don't anymore. I was sad about that. And I can't remember what those vanilla cream sandwich cookies were called... can anyone off the top of their head?

5. I should get to bed. 5 hours until I have to head back into work. :P

6. Miss you all.
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