Newsbits from the front.

Feb 11, 2007 07:15

Dear flist,

Good morning!

1) On Tuesday, February 13th, get yourself to whatever video rental or purchasing place you frequent and pick up "The Departed". In a year where I have been mostly underwhelmed by films, this is shiny and magnificent and makes me excited about cinema again (the last movie that made me feel like this was "Brick", back in August*). God Bless You, Martin Scorsese. God Bless You for making me excited about recommending a damn movie with something more than an "eh, it was okay". HOORAH!

Go on Tuesday, then come back and thank me. :D

* The Illusionist was pretty damn good. And I haven't yet seen "The Queen" or "The Prestige" or "The Fountain" or "Children of Men", which seem to be the other movies that have potential for brilliance. I hope they all are!

2) My friendly neighborhood police officers, part two. Tonight, I stayed late at work again. Tonight, the waving of flashlights through the window caught my eye. Tonight, I went to the window to see who was holding a rave outside my store (usually, I avoid looking out the big freakin' windows, because one night, I expect the view to be filled with zombies pressing against the glass. And I don't think either Ash or Shaun would be available to render aid on such short notice...).

Two police officers were waving their flashlights. I went to the door. They told me they'd been pounding on the glass for over five minutes, trying to get my attention. I pointed to St. John. They said, yeah, we saw you had your headphones on. Maybe next time, don't have it so loud, or keep one ear open.

I asked if they needed anything. They said no, just checking on me. I said thanks, I appreciate that. They said, keep an ear open, just in case. I asked, just in case of what? Just in case you need to hear something, they replied. I smiled. Oh, okay, friendly neighborhood police officers, I'll do just that. Then, after they left, I proceeded to put my headphones back and on and turn them up louder. Because, seriously, what do I need to hear except a window being broken as zombies try to get into my store and eat me? I'd hear that, anyway. I appreciate them checking on me, but WTF with the headphones.

3. This ficathon fic is killing me. I can't bang it into shape, damn it. And time is ticking down and my regional director is coming this week and I have to be at work many extra hours. GAH!

4. I miss photoshop and The Colbert Report and keeping up with my friends!

5. I am cold. And I can't tell what the temperature is inside, 'cause it feels cold, but what if it's just because I'm used to the temperature now? Like it's 70 in here, but I'm still cold? I need a thermometer.

6. It is now time for me to go to bed.

A bientot, flist. Keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars.
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