Car Trouble

Oct 05, 2005 07:49

So I'm finally done with the Ford Tempo I got hit on saturday on my way home and it has now been officially totalled. Im pretty sore from the accident but the doctor gave me some pretty good drugs, so if I seem a little out of it, well its because I am. I'm driving a fully loaded Honda Civic now that I got from enterprise so clearly as you can see I'm crying about this misfortune. Im not sure when I'll be getting the check for my other car but I hope soon so that I can finish fixing my Bmw and then be back to normal in the car situation.

Other than that I have been super busy with doctor appointments and trying to finish up all the outfits I've been making for my good friend Alicia Day. I'm proud of myself and my mom because between the two of us these bitches can sew, and I've been having lots of much needed bonding time with my mother so how can one complain about that.

Come see the Summer and Honey show on thursday nights at Ember's avenue. I speak from personal experience when I say these two are fabulous, and you will laugh, cry and piss your pants all in the same night.

It's good to have nothing bad to say about anything anymore, and I hope you all can know, that no matter what keeps you down, smile and make yourself laugh as much as you can you will love the results you get

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