Summer of Sam Love 2012 Challenge

Jul 02, 2012 21:23

After some thought, the easiest way to get your contributions up this year seems to be if you just do a post to the Summer of Sam Love comm. Anything submitted during the posting period (July 1 - August 15) will be included in the two polls (one for fan art, one for fiction ( Read more... )

instructions, guidelines

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dtwilight July 3 2012, 15:32:47 UTC
Can I post more than once? I had been thinking about doing a daily series of stand alone short stories and drabbles? Please let me know whatcha think and thank you for hosting the LOVE of Sam again :)


sendintheklowns July 4 2012, 02:41:18 UTC
You most certainly can post more than once! I like your idea of the daily series.

Thank you for participating for yet another season.



Hi... dtwilight July 5 2012, 00:59:22 UTC
Thanks, I sent the first one and hope I posted it correctly. I thought you wanted it post directly to the Com and not on our own LJs...If not, let me know and thanks...hope to get a few more up tonight.

Happy 4th, Dawn


Re: Hi... sendintheklowns July 5 2012, 11:53:40 UTC
You can post it on your own LJ and link it here on a post...did you want to do that instead? I didn't accept your post in case you prefer it on your LJ but it's totally up to you.

Thank you and Happy Day After Independence Day!


Re: Hi... dtwilight July 5 2012, 14:06:18 UTC
Oh ok...I guess I'll do that, thanks :) Also I already have the first five stort stories done, can I post them all in one post?

Thanks again! Dawn


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