(no subject)

May 25, 2011 19:42

Season six has wrapped up and Sam Winchester deserves a respite from all of the angst, pain and deception he’s endured. Unfortunately he’s not going to get it now. *evil laugh* It’s time to celebrate the Summer of Sam Love and this year we’re sponsoring a fic exchange were the theme is putting Sam through the wringer; he may bend a bit under the weight of our abuse but ultimately it’s hard to break him (weebles wobble but they don’t fall down).

Here’s what you need to know to join in the celebration:

1.        Sign-ups. We will keep the sign-up post open for two weeks. During this time, anyone can sign up. You’ll need to bring some plot bunnies and the desire to fulfill someone else’s prompt. The sign-ups will begin on Friday, May 27 and will end on Saturday, June 11.

To sign up interested individuals need to comment on the designated post with their name, e-mail address, and the two limp!H/C fic ideas you would like to read. The main focus of the fic must be Sam (bloodied, bruised and beautiful) but other characters are welcome.  Also, we'd like to keep this gen (no slash, het, romance, etc.) and family friendly, so please keep your requests light R and under (no explicit sexual content, minimal graphic violence, minimal harsh language.  Minimum word count for any fic is 1000 words.

Note: Please do not sign up unless you can deliver on fic for someone else.

Sample sign up:

Name: sendintheklowns

Email: dobedat@aol.com

1.       Post 6.22 speculation addressing the aftermath of Castiel’s actions and Sam’s state of mind (seizures not mandatory but virtual cookies will be provided if they make an appearance).

2.       Teen!Winchesters with John putting the boys through their training paces, wondering why Sam can’t keep up, only to discover a medical cause (past injury not healed, blood loss anemia, anything for some H/C).


2.      Requests. Once all sign-ups are completed, we will allow a week for requests. During this time, each participant may request the five other participants they would like to write for most. This part is critical to ensure each person receives a prompt that they feel they can enjoy writing and, more importantly, finish writing. Requests will be made via screened comments on the designated requests post. Requests will begin Sunday, June 12 and end on Sunday, June 19.

3.       Writing. After another week, each participant will be notified as to who they will be writing for. From there each participant can choose whichever prompt they wish from their recipient's list. To help give all participants adequate time, the writing period will last for approximately six weeks. Throughout this time, we will try to post reminders to keep people going. Notifications will be sent out no later than Monday, June 27 with ample time for writing with posting to begin on August 14.

4.       Art. Although this is a fic exchange, after requests have been assigned we’ll open a post for interested artists. These stories are going to need artwork, vids, etc., to demonstrate just how much we love Sam. Authors can choose to submit a summary of their fic for artists to consider. Artists may then peruse the summaries and select one or more that they wish to create accompanying work for. Summaries will be posted anonymously, but after artists select their prompts, we will put writers and artists in contact for further collaboration.

5.       The celebration. After the writing period is over, everyone will have a week to post their stories, revealing who they have been writing for and what prompt they chose. This is the fun week, where the Sam love gets to be celebrated at its peak. Everyone should be sure to read the other stories and tell the person who wrote for them how much they loved their fic. The posting week will last from Sunday, August 14 until Sunday, August 21.

To post, please leave a comment in the designated thread with the title, author, who it is for, and URL so we can repost on the comm and make a master list.

Story post should look like this:

Title: Burning for You
Author: Faye
Recipient: sendintheklowns
Summary: Every night Jess pays Sam a visit, writhing in fire above him on the ceiling. 
Notes: Enjoy! Sam was awesome to write!
URL: http:// www. fakefichere .com

The official date breakdown is as follows:

Sign-ups: Friday, May 27 - Saturday, June 11
Requests: Sunday, June 12 - Sunday, June 19
Assignments: Monday, June 20 - Monday, June 27
Writing: Tuesday, June 28 - Saturday, August 13
Posting: Sunday, August 14 - Sunday, August 21

So, get the word out. This summer, let's remind each other and the rest of fandom how fun it is to celebrate the awesomeness that is Sam Winchester.

Questions? Email fayedartmouth@hotmail.com or dobedat@aol.com or comment here.

intro, instructions, guidelines

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