Intro and Instructions

May 19, 2015 19:41

At the end of the fourth season, Sam Winchester is having a bad go of things. His failure is epic, but his intentions inherently noble. Things don't look so good for our favorite geekboy, so it's time to show him just how loved he is.

The project is simple: fic that celebrates Sam Winchester. We need fic to highlight how awesome Sam is on every ( Read more... )

intro, instructions

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ficwriter1966 May 20 2009, 13:13:35 UTC
Eek - I'm first. Okay, then!

Name: Carol
Email: parrotletbabyone @
Three Prompts
1. Preteen Sam has to drive the Impala for the first time - and he's never had any lessons. All he's done is watch Dean and Dad.
2. Sam's reaction to receiving those awesome LSAT scores.
3. Sam Wesson helps somebody - and *not* by telling them, "Turn it off, and turn it back on again."
Other notes: bring it on! (The only thing I'd note is that I can't do crossovers.)


faye_dartmouth May 20 2009, 14:29:22 UTC
Hi! We love your enthusiasm! Just an FYI, we haven't actually started sign ups, but you can leave this here for now. Sign ups will officially begin on Friday and we'll open a new post for that. If you can, you can just copy and paste this there or we can do it for you.

But seriously, thanks so much for your participation and enthusiasm! I suppose we could make it more clear that this isn't the sign up post...this is our first time organizing one of these on LJ so we're kind of new at this :)


ficwriter1966 May 20 2009, 15:55:55 UTC
Oops. I guess enthusiasm negates my ability to read. *iz sheepish*

I'll pop back in and cut and paste on Friday! Meanwhile, I'm spreading the word.


faye_dartmouth May 20 2009, 16:42:52 UTC
Don't be sheepish. I clarified the post here so it's a bit more clear (I hope, anyway). Like I said, we're sort of feeling this out as we go, and we're just thrilled to see some interest. Sammy really needs some love this summer.



ficwriter1966 May 20 2009, 19:19:02 UTC
Sounds good! I really like the "request" portion of the rules - I'm also signed up for spn_summergen, and over there the assignments are all up to the mods. (Which makes me a little nervous, because I've looked at some of the prompts and can't imagine what I'd do with them.)

If you're looking for Sam fic in the meantime, I've got a ton of it. Swing on by if you'd like. :)


faye_dartmouth May 21 2009, 12:25:28 UTC
I almost signed up for summergen myself but finally decided not to because there were too many prompts I just didn't think I could handle. Hopefully there'll be enough variety that not everyone will request the same three people--I've done this on a smaller scale before and it usually works out okay, but I've had to write the leftover prompts before to make it all work.

I will have to check out you LJ and see what I can find to tide me over this summer--thanks :)


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