Carry On... Episode 6: Long Days Upon the Land

Feb 22, 2010 20:58

Here is the first part of episode 6 of Carry On...

Episode 6: Long Days Upon the Land

Original airdate: 2010.02.22.


When the boys finally get a trail on their father, Sam and Dean embark on a dangerous journey to find him. However, with Sam preparing for the worst, Dean must ask himself if he can still follow his father’s orders, even if it could cost him everything he has.


He glanced back at the screen, focusing again, as a dark figure came into the picture.

There was something strangely familiar about it--the way it moved, the shape of it.

The way it wielded the knife as it sliced the guard’s throat.

Sam whispered something like a prayer--or a curse, Dean wasn’t sure which.

In the back of his mind, Dean wondered what the point was. It wasn’t like faith had gotten Sam very far at this point.

Just then, the figure turned to the camera, saluting them. Bobby hit pause on John Winchester’s smiling face caught mid-gesture.

Written by: faye_dartmouth  and pinkphoenix1985

Artist: faye_dartmouth

Chapter 1 at the main site

Chapter 1 at FF.Net

Chapter 1 at LJ



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