Summer of Sam Love 2013 Celebration

Jul 31, 2013 20:40

The people have spoken! Sam deserves to be shown lots of love after the past year which was very rough on him. Due to time constraints, we’d like to make this a true celebration which means there will be no voting or awards-anything you submit will be for the sheer enjoyment of readers/viewers and to give Sam his due.

This year there is no theme in place other than to show Sam in a positive light. Let’s focus on celebrating his ultimate goodness.

Here are things to keep in mind:

- Your entry needs to be gen (no slash, het, romance, etc.) and family friendly (no explicit sexual content, minimal graphic violence, minimal harsh language) in order to be accepted. Any media form that fits these parameters is welcome (fic, art, etc.)
- Other characters are welcome as long as Sam figures prominently.
- Any season, pre-series or post-series is fair game.
- There is no minimum word count for fic posts.
- Please include spoiler information in your post.
- Please try to post before the official end of summer (September 22, 2013)
- Have fun!

In lieu of voting/awards, you will receive an icon featuring Sam to use as you see fit if you post something to show Sam your appreciation.

instructions, guidelines

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