there's nothing to gain, and i just died today...

Oct 18, 2004 17:05

hey everyone. im in Baton ROuge now...its amazing, i know. I got the new book America: A Citizen's Guide to Democracy Inaction from the crew of Jon Stewart...anyways, its pretty amazing. Hilarious amazing, i mean.
Dont you hate when you scratch at a bug bite so much and you clawed away so much of your skin it starts bleeding profusely?! i dont know if i hate it...but it happened.

And it all comes to this...after high school, the majority of people go to college...why? WHY AM I HERE?! to perfect my profession of choice. now i can be good at being myself. good, so now i can learn about ROCKS!!! and get 34% on tests and feel REALLY shitty about myself!!!

oh, one more thing to think about. you know when you laugh so hard that no sound comes out and youre just doubled over, not even able to breathe?!? WHY did god make it so that when we're too happy we're on the verge of dying?! i mean, i've never known anyone to die from excessive laughing, but if you can't breathe for a long enough time and youre just REALLY happy, you're dead, just like that...

on that note, later my amigos


check this OUT!!

go and check it OUT! (copy and paste the hyper link, or something!!!)
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