Man, today was a humdinger of a day. And, yesterday, while I felt the holidays slipping away from me a bit...I was still fine about them.
Then came Facebook.
I have two accounts, as most of you know. I enjoy the one where I have my CSI/X-file friends. People you would think would be highly dramatic but are just nice, normal folk. My family is on the second account. And, lookie here, there are the drama queens. . I would close that account in a heartbeat. But, I get pictures through there--of my nieces and a few other relatives that I would never even see if I didn't have the account. But, I've definitely determined that while you see your family a few times a year at family functions, it doesn't mean you're best friends or even friends at all. And, sometimes, the more you know (through facebook and the jerky things they say) you wouldn't want to know them at all if they weren't related by blood or marriage.
Someone in my family did something Christmas-related and extremely tacky. So, another person turns around and calls her on it (behind her back since she's not "friends" with her but a member of her family is) on FB. And I feel like I'm in high school again. And it's giving me tsuris (all NYers are fluent in angst-related Yiddish. Even us Catholics). It's ridiculous. Yeah, it was tacky. Move on. The person in question is having a very, very difficult time of life right now and cut her some slack-- or don't-- but shut up, already. And ... the thing is...IF they both show up to the family Christmas party (which is unlikely because one hasn't been to it in years...but, you never know because she loves nothing more than a good fight) there will be a big old revolution there. And I hate that crap. Whatever happened to Peace on Earth? Goodwill toward men (and/or women)? That, an being barraged by every ad for high-priced electronics has me screaming that Christmas has nothing whatsoever to do with Christ. In fact, I think He is probably appalled by the way we celebrate His birth.
I was talking to my mom and told her she better stick around for as long as possible because, if anything ever happens to her, I'm going to leave town December 24th and not return till the new year. Hand the kids some checks and have done with it.
Anyway, maybe by the time Christmas actually arrives I'll "find it" again. One can always hope.
And, in case you don't read my twitters, in the year of the tooth, I've cracked a part of my back tooth. Pretty much dooms me to a crown or cap.
Uh, boy.