Title: One of these Days
sparrow2000Characters: Giles/Ethan
Warnings: Slash(ish)
Disclaimer: Joss and Mutant Enemy et al, own everything. I own nothing.
Summary: In the aftermath of Eyghon, Giles is falling apart
Comments and feedback are cuddled and called George
Beta extraordinaire:
thismazWritten for 2015
summer_of_giles For my first
summer_of_giles story this year, I gave poor Giles some post-series angst in
Being Normal, so it seemed only fitting to bookend it with some pre-series angst, because I just love to make the poor man suffer :)
Thanks again to
katekat1010 and
il_mio_capitano for being brilliant mods and to everyone who makes this community such a pleasure to hang out in every year.
One of these Days