The Need To Talk 1/1

Jul 29, 2015 16:38

Okay, folks! Here it is, my finale story for this year's Summer_of_Giles. I hope you like it.

Title: The Need To Talk.

Author: horrorfangirl

Fandom: BTVS

Summary: After Buffy sends Giles away Xander goes in search of him, and convinces the Watcher to work things out with his Slayer.

Time-line: Season 7 (no comics)

Disclaimer: The characters used in this story belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy and Fox. No copyright infringement is intended.

Characters: Rupert Giles, Xander Harris (No ship)

Word Count: 311

Rated: Teen.

“I think you've taught me, all I need to know..” Those words kept running through Rupert Giles' mind as he sat in the bar, nursing a beer and brooding.

“You know, G-Man this is the last place I'd expect you to be,” said a familiar voice. Giles sighed.

“Xander, what do you want?” The Watcher asked tiredly. He wondered if it was possible to have any privacy, what-so-ever although, a part of him highly doubted it.

The young man sighed, then took a seat beside the Watcher. “Okay, Giles, here's the thing, you and Buffy need to talk.” Again the Watcher sighed. Of course, he knew that he and his Slayer needed to talk. The question was: Will she listen to him?

Seeing the uncertainty in the Watcher's eyes broke Xander's heart. He made a decision. “Come on, Giles. We're leaving.”

“Where are we going?” The Watcher asked. He still hadn't moved from the bar-stool.

His friend helped him stand up, saying: “To Buffy house.”

“Xander, while I appreciate you, trying to help I doubt that Buffy would want to speak to me, right now.” Giles said sadly.

“That may be the case, but it doesn't mean you're not going to try.” Xander told him.

“Even if she hits me again?” The Watcher asked.

“If she does, I'll make sure to catch you.” The young man promised.

With that the two friends left the bar and went to regain the Slayer's trust.


giles & group, z_creator: horrorfangirl, rating: pg/frt

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