Even in the darkness... (Part 2/?)

Jul 23, 2015 11:54

What: BtVS fanfic
Title: Even in the darkness...
Written for: Summer of Giles 2015
Pairing: Buffy/mystery man named Reg
Rating: PG/FRT (sexual content)
Word Count: 1115
Setting: Post season 8.
Disclaimer: I own nothing in the BtVS universe and no one pays me for my fan fiction either (sadly).
Note: Alternate Universe (AU)
Summary: Giles is dead. Killed by Angelus in the comics. Buffy is still grieving months later. To distract herself she went to a bar, then ended up inviting a stranger in after he walked her home. AU.

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fic type: het, rating: pg/frt, giles & buffy, fic type: multi-part, z_creator: pookitoots, giles/buffy

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