FIC: Prison changes a man... (PG/FRT)

Jun 07, 2015 20:20

What: BtVS fanfic
Title: Prison changes a man...
Written for: Summer of Giles 2015
Pairing: none
Rating: PG/FRT (adult themes, psychological)
Word Count: 909
Setting: Post season 3.
Disclaimer: I own nothing in the BtVS universe and no one pays me for my fan fiction either (sadly).
Note: Alternate Universe (AU)
Summary: In our world, the Mayor and Faith chose to go after Angel to try and get to Buffy. In this AU, the Mayor recognized the Watcher/Slayer bond as his greatest obstacle, and used his position of bureaucratic and political power to remove Giles from the picture more effectively than if he'd killed him. The Mayor used a little magic to back up his ploy of course...

(click here to read the full fanfic...)

fic type: het, giles only, rating: g/frc, z_creator: wickedfox, art: manip, rating: pg/frt, z_creator: pookitoots, fic type: gen, fic type: stand alone

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