FIC - Risks we take, Claims we stake and Bonds we make… part 1

Jul 06, 2014 10:45

Title: Risks we take, Claims we stake and Bonds we make…
Rating: M/NC-17 - Adults only explicit content!
Pairing: Buffy/Giles (with also some Ethan fun)
Timeline: Around season 4
Summary: Ethan plots to gain some slayer strength in a ritual using the symbol of Eygon he placed on her previously. Of course it doesn't exactly go as planned, saucy goodness ensues! WARNINGS! Contains smut, threesome, dubious consent, anal. You have been warned!
Part 1/?
Disclaimer: I unfortunately for me don't own BtVS, the characters of anything else recognizable...I also don't own Anthony...shame that really...or he could own me I'm not fussy...

Part One - Ritual

The sorcerer looked down at his handy work with a smug expression. The slayer was coming round, sooner than he expected but then she was the slayer. She struggled in her position, it didn't take her long to spot him.

"You'd think you'd learn to stay away, I really am going to have to make you dead this time." Buffy growled. Then her eyes fell on the form of her watcher tied to a chair, he still looked to be unconscious. “Giles? Giles!”

"You aren't exactly in a position to do that right now my dear, can't help him either right now." the sorcerer smirked, gesturing to her as she struggled against the magical bonds on the table. "Marking you was one of the best things I ever did and imagine my surprise to find out that you haven't even tried to remove it, why is that I wonder?"

"Why bother? You cut yours out and the magical signs whatsit was still on you so I figured a laser wasn't going to make it vanish." she muttered.

"Quite right my girl, quite right." he smiled. "but you see we're linked now, you and I; old Ripper here too."

"What are you talking about, Eygon is dead?" she growled.

"Yes, you're right he is well and truly gone this time but that doesn't mean the traces of magic disappear." he lifted his sleeve to show a messy purple scar where he had removed his tattoo and in the centre of it the tattoo showed, only now it was a pinkish colour against the purple skin rather than black ink. "I initiated you into our little circle and you're stuck in it now. Ripper and I, we've shared power before and trust me he has quite the hidden power underneath all that repression and denial, but're the slayer. You're the most solid link between the natural and supernatural that there is, I want some of that power.”

"Well I don't feel much like sharing." she spat, before glancing again at her unconscious watcher. Unfortunately for her Ethan held all the cards, he could threaten to kill Giles if she didn't follow his wishes…then again she had to wonder if he actually would ever kill Giles. Surely if he was going to he would've by now?

"He's alright love, he'll be awake and cursing me in the next half hour." Ethan drawled, noticing where her attention was focused. "Now stay nice and still so that I don't cut you."

She strained her head to see where he had moved to. He was behind her and she hadn't seen a blade of any kind. Then she felt it. The sharp hardness of metal against her shoulder, as to her horror the man above her started cutting and tearing her top from her. She struggled against the magical bindings as he proceeded to remove her bra in the same fashion and then moved to her pants.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" she demanded, as those too were tugged roughly from her body, before freezing in horror as he gave her underwear the same treatment. She was mortified at being so naked and exposed to him. He couldn't see her breasts since she lay on her front but with her legs bound open he was able to get a clear view elsewhere. "I swear to God if you touch me, I will kill you."

"I think you'll change your mind about that." he murmured before moving away from her. She heard him speaking, then chanting and felt the power run across her skin. It swept over her like a breeze, before vanishing just as quickly. "Do you know what kind of power Eygon gave us Slayer? Im sure you and your little friends have wondered? Did Ripper ever tell you?"

"Willow." she replied coldly.

"Bet Rupert didn't like you knowing that did he? Knowing his dirty secrets? Well, you're going to get a taste first hand now slayer, enjoy the ride." he chuckled.


"Oh he'll feel it too, both of us actually but we're old hands at magic and at playing with such spells. You're as new as a virgin pet, its going to have you so out of control, you'll just be begging me for it." he gloated. "When I'm shagging you mindless, you'll be sharing all that power with me whether you want to or not."

"Go to hell." she hissed, feeling the first signs of heat creeping into her body. There didn't seem to be a way out of this, she glanced over at Giles helplessly.

"Oh he'll enjoy the show love, he won’t be able to help himself." he murmured against her ear. "Have you never considered it before? He has. He's thought of fucking that toned young body of yours many times. He's very good you know but you've never looked at him twice have you?"

"You're lying." she bit out. As the man above her started removing his own clothes. She wanted to cry but didn't want to give him the satisfaction. She wanted to scream to Giles to help her, but part of her wanted him to stay unconscious, not to see her like this. He couldn't help her anyway, he was bound magically as she was.

When she felt Ethan's hands trailing across her back, she shuddered at the heat that followed. She hated it. Her body wasn't under her control. It was alien to her, feeling so full of desire but so full of fear and hate.

Her mind grew cloudy as his hand squeezed at her backside. She kept thinking about his words...Giles...she hadn't thought of him that way before... She shook her head to herself, that was a lie. She had thought about it, not deliberately exactly but it had crossed her mind on occasion. How could it not when they had spent so much time together, knew each other so well? Ethan had said he was good, she couldn't picture Giles and Ethan together like that. She's never seen two men together, so it wasn't something she could easy imagine but when Ethan's hand trailed lower between her legs to brush her intimately, it became easy to imagine her watcher's hand instead. She felt embarrassed just for thinking it but once the thought was there it didn't want to go away.

"How long until you beg me Slayer? Beg me to put you out of your misery..." Ethan gloated.

"Whatever your magic makes me do, it isn't free will, you know I would never beg you for it and if you do this, I will kill you. Slowly.” she told him coldly.

"If you ever catch me." he replied.

"If you share my power, I'll be able to find you easily; so you might want to ask yourself if that's worth it." she ground out.

"Clever girl, But you'll notice I said catch not find." he told her patiently. "I am exceedingly used to running, you catch me and you can kill me. But you have to catch me first."

"She'll have to get in line." a rough voice came from behind them.

"Good of you to join us Ripper, I was beginning to worry that you'd miss that whole show." the sorcerer grinned. "You'll enjoy it of course."

"Buffy, are you alright?" Giles asked, ignoring Ethan's taunts and trying to assess the situation.

"I can’t get out." she told him. "and he's done something to me...I..."

"I know." he told her calmly. "Don't fight it Buffy, the harder you fight the stronger the magic will get. You will have more control over yourself if you don't fight what you're feeling."

"If you're telling me to just lie here and let Eth-"

"No, I will take care of Ethan. You lie there and try to stay calm. Breathe Buffy." he told her.

"Take care of me will you?" Ethan smirked. "Heartwarming chat there mate but I don't see you being up to much." Ethan's eyes strayed to his old friends lap and grinned. "Well up maybe but certainly not in a position to do anything about it. Is that all for me or for her?"

"When I kill you, you'll know." Giles hissed. He focused on Ethan's hands still roaming Buffy's body, focused his anger and his frustrations, even his arousal. He pooled together all the strongest of his emotions until he was able to summon enough magic to break Ethan's bind. Ethan felt it and whirled on him.

"That's a good chap, I knew you were still in there somewhere." Ethan chuckled advancing now on Giles. Buffy realised that Giles had gotten free and let out a sigh of relief.

Giles realised that Ethan now thought he was more Ripper than Rupert and immediately realised the advantages if he played along to get Ethan's guard down.

"Come now old man, surely you can appreciate the situation." Ethan coaxed. Giles let his eyes shift to his slayer, bared on the table before them, eyes glazed in arousal so strong he could smell it. "I know you want her." Giles didn't stop the hand that squeezed him firmly and barely held in a moan at the contact. He had forgotten what it felt like. The magic, the lust...Ethan...

"That's right Ripper, follow your own advice, don't fight it." Ethan rubbed him through his trousers before moving closer. "Oh look at that, your girl's watching us. She doesn't like me touching you as much as she loves watching it. Look at her, she's getting more turned on just watching me touch you." With that Ethan kissed him, thoroughly.

"Giles!" Buffy called out desperately, breaking the moment. Ethan’s eyes danced as he pulled away and moved towards the slayer.

"Oh you didn't like that did you?" he asked, leaning down towards her. "I think you want him for yourself, don't you my dear?" With a satisfied look he bent lower a took one long lick between her legs. Then he stood and turned to the larger man behind him, to plunder his mouth in an aggressive kiss.

The taste of Buffy on his tongue was the final straw, he was gone. He wouldn't be able to break the spell's hold now, fighting it now would only ensure that he would lose himself completely until it was over.

"Buffy..." he breathed pulling away from his old friend and enemy. Ethan kissed him again and yanked his shirt open determinedly.

"Giles!" Buffy gasped in horror, as she saw her watcher wholeheartedly kissing the man who had brought them here. It was hot to watch them, it caused her stomach to clench...but her heart to sink.

"He's gone now love, not entirely of course but he knows he can’t fight it." Ethan smirked, turning back to the bound young woman before them. "He knows that if he fights it too much he will end up hurting you, he won't risk that. He’d rather shag you and have you hate him afterwards than lose control and hurt you."

"He won’t hurt me, you did this." she said firmly, trying to ignore the feeling of her watcher’s hand stroking the back of her thigh. She wasn't getting out of this, Giles was lost to the spell as much as most of her was. He still seemed in control, just resigned. She tried to think, what did Ethan wanted again. One of their fingers found her core and stroked firmly drawing a load groan from her as her body once again lost control. Power, Ethan wanted power. He was going to get that through sex...with her...although the thought of that hardened cock inside her was tempting right now. God she was done for...Giles was going to see her...Giles!

"Giles..." she pleaded. She saw Ethan move behind her watcher and nibble at his neck, she could see both Giles' hands so Ethan was the one touching her, the one causing her hips to writhe.

"Go give your slayer a kiss Ripper, show her how much you want her." Buffy saw them move around closer to her head and couldn't help the whimper of protest that she let out as the fingers left her pussy. Giles stood before her now, his hand reaching down to stroke her hair from her face. He eyed the exposed tattoo on her neck.

"Why did you keep this?" he asked her softly and she was relieve to hear his voice. He was still Giles.

"As I told Ethan, removing the mark doesn't remove the magic...Willow told me..." she admitted.

"I'm sorry." he told her, as he felt Ethan undoing his zipper and sliding down both his trousers and boxers. He gasped as the hand brushed his bared erection. Buffy's eyes fixed on it caused a slight flush of embarrassment in him but it faded to lust at the thought that she was staring at him.

"I-...Giles...please..." she whimpered, glancing up at him as best she could. "I don't want to he tied up anymore."

"Give her a kiss Ripper, make her feel better." Ethan told him. Giles crouched in front of her face.

"I’m sorry." he whispered again. Then he kissed her. She moaned at the immediate wave of pleasure she felt, his tongue delved into her mouth and explored.

"Please..." she cried out, as he broke away, no longer pleading to be let go, now she just wanted more of him. Part of her wailed internally in despair as she realised how far gone she was but there was nothing she could do. All she could do was try to stop Ethan getting some of her power.

"If it helps." he told her very softly. "I do love you, but I'm still sorry for this."

"Please, I need you." she told him determinedly. She saw the sudden look of comprehension in his eyes and knew that he had caught on. "I need you." She stressed the last word and before Ethan had a chance to realise what was happening Giles had moved to climb onto the table over her and drove into her in one fluid move.

"I knew he wouldn't be able to resist." Ethan grinned. "What do you say to that Buffy?"

"Oh god..." she groaned, as she felt Giles' thick length moving steadily inside her. He didn't rush, he took his time, leisurely rocking into her. "I...I still want you to untie me...God I want to see...I want..."

"You want to see him fucking you, is that it my dear?" Ethan spoke in her ear. "You want to be able to touch him?" She felt Giles kissing her shoulder, his chest brushing against her back and groaned.

"Yea, please..." she whispered. Moments later she found that she could move her arms and legs. She started to raise herself up on her arms, Giles obligingly got off of her only to flip her onto her back and enter her again. He drove deeper now, his body covered hers fully, intimately. She tried to catch her breath at the sudden rush of heat only to let out a scream as it ripped through her, leaving her shaking beneath him as he stilled and fought desperately for control.

"It's OK..." she told Giles quietly when she began to come back to herself. "We'll be OK." With that reassurance he began to drive into her harder, vocalising his pleasure at being able to do so.

Giles kissed her deeply before rising up on his knees and pulling her hips up more firmly against his. Lips covered hers again but they weren't Giles'. She wanted to be repulsed, but she couldn't be. She was still hot and full of magic and now Ethan probably had no control either. He was probably caught by his own spell by now.
His tongue left hers but was replaced by his hard length. She had accepted him into her mouth before she even realised she had done it. It felt good, his hot length sliding between her lips. At some point she opened her eyes and realised that the men above her were kissing, it was strange to feel so turned on by it but wrong about it at the same time. It felt wrong to see Giles kissing someone else, especially when he was still moving between her legs...but then she had kissed Ethan too. Suddenly the cock in her mouth was gone and she was being dragged up.

"Wha-". She was cut off to gasp instead as Giles pulled out of her and spun then around. He dragged her onto him and urged her down onto his straining erection. She straddled him, taking him all in, deeper than any thrust yet.

"Ethan." Giles growled out, dragging the other mans head down to his for a kiss before shifting his hips closer. Buffy watched entranced as her Watcher took Ethan's cock into his mouth. After a few moments Ethan withdrew and moved closer to Buffy, leaning to kiss her deeply before moving behind them. He pushed her downwards and after a moment of confusion she felt Ethan's head behind her. Giles was groaning louder now and she realised that Ethan was licking Giles, any part of him that wasn't in her body that he could reach. She tensed as she felt him licking around her entrance also, his tongue flicking upwards towards the crevice of her backside in a way that tickled.

Ethan tugged her back up again, he was now on the table with them, knelt behind her and kissing her neck.

"How much can you take slayer?" he asked her.

"Oh god..." Buffy sighed as his hands trailed across her breasts. She didn't want to admit that she had never reached orgasm through sex before. She hadn't with Angel or Parker and Riley had only managed it with his tongue a few times but coming with Giles still pounding in her was a completely different feeling. She wasn't sure she could handle such a feeling already felt so sensitive... She would go to her grave before she admitted to Ethan that his spell had caused her to reach heights that she never had before. Then she felt his hand sliding between the cheeks of her ass. Her eyes widened, surely he wouldn't...

"I promise you'll like it my dear." he murmured to her, having felt her tense. Giles still bucked beneath them, lost in his own pleasure.

"I don't-" she gasped as a finger slipped inside her. It felt strange, not bad but definitely strange. A few moments later it pulled out as he bent her forward against Giles' chest. The head of him slipped in first causing her to tense. It stretched her, it stung.

"Relax." Giles told her softly, drawing her lips to his. "If you really need to stop, I will make him stop." Then he kissed her again, diverting her attention from Ethan working his way into her from behind. Even with the distraction it hurt, it hurt enough that it was beginning to break through the spell's control on her. She felt like she could kick him off if she wanted and she was about to do just that until Ethan finally bottomed out against her. It still stung but there was a rather delicious feeling caused by feeling him so deeply in her. He moved a bit and she gasped. It was still tender but it felt good at the same time. Giles moved under her also and she groaned. She was stretched so much, so full...

By the time both men had gotten into a rhythm she was lost. She let out a loud sobbing wail as another orgasm took over. Both men began thrusting into her with abandon as they too neared completion. Giles pulled her lips to his, his tongue thrusting into her mouth as his cock thrust into her. His groan of release was lost in her mouth as he spilled into her and Ethan followed. Ethan made sure to withdraw before the afterglow of Buffy's orgasm faded to prevent hurting her.

Suddenly another wash of power fell over them and then disappeared. The spell was over.

No longer consumed by her body's urges she flushed with embarrassment at the fact that she was naked in front of her watcher and Ethan Rayne. Oh god...she had let Ethan Rayne... She felt movement and realised that Giles was still inside her. She looked helplessly down at her watcher, he looked so lost and so sorry.

"It helped." she told him honestly, remembering what he had said earlier. Then she climbed carefully but swiftly off of him, ignoring the lingering aches that she felt before towering over a confused looking Ethan Rayne.

"I don't feel any different, bugger it!" he shouted.

"I told you, if you touched me I'd kill you." she said quietly, leaning over him.
"If you can catch me, you can kill me." he told her but with a flick of his wrist and a burst of flame he was gone.

"Bloody weasel!" Giles muttered. "We'll get him don't you worry. He must have had that phoenix powder on him for emergencies...extremely expensive that stuff."

She didn't look at him, instead she looked around for her clothes only to realise that they were all ruined.

"Here." Giles said softly, passing her his shirt. She nodded her thanks and slipped it on before sinking to the ground in horror. He bent down and started to do the buttons up for her one by one.

"Ethan said he wanted my power." she told him after a long silence. She couldn't bring herself to mention any of the things that had happened so instead focused on the business side of things.

"Which...somehow he didn't get." he reminded her. "Very curious actually."

"Was it because he didn't...where he um..."

"No, that shouldn't have made a difference." he told her, saving her from having to say it. "After all he has shared my power before, we're still connected in a way but something the council did managed to draw my powers back from him when I rejoined them."

"Oh..." she nodded.

"You aren't curious as to whether it worked for me?" he asked.

"I...I didn't know it could, I mean Ethan wanted it so I assumed it just all went to him...did it? Work for you I mean?" she asked.

"I believe so." he nodded. "At least I feel a damn slight better than usual, its different from sharing magic, your power is different."

"So...will I be weaker?" she asked.

"No, you may find that you have some of my magic though, sort of a trade as it were." he told her.

"Is that why I can still feel it?" she asked. "Why the room still feels weird?"

"Most likely." he agreed. "We will have to research reversals to severe the link...or at least to the power sharing part. The link itself will always be there to some degree."

"Why do we need to reverse it?" she asked. "You having a bit of slayer strength has got to be of the good, Giles...if it will keep you a bit safer then it isn't something I want reversing."

"There's no rush, we can discuss the details later." he nodded. "First priority is getting out of here, wherever here is."

"Guessing we can’t poof like Ethan?" she frowned.

"No, I don't happen to have phoenix powder." he chuckled. "As I said it is incredibly expensive."

"So...I have to walk outta here half naked?" she cringed. She looked at him, he was able to put his boxers, trousers and jumper back on. She had a shirt. She supposed she should be grateful that the shirt was practically a dress on her.

"If you let me go and have a look first to see where we are then we can worry about your state of dress." he told her.

"Oh! Wait!" she told him before reaching and grabbing his belt. She unfastened it as he spluttered in surprise and tugged it off of him. "Brain out the gutter." She grinned seeing his shocked expression. She used the belt to wrap around her waist and then grabbed Ethan's knife from the ground to trim the end. The effect was that she arranged the shirt to look like a dress. "Ta da."

"You ruined my belt." he told her blandly.

"Hey, you aren't wandering off exploring alone. We're getting out of here together, before Ethan comes back with another plan." she told him.

rating: nc17/frao, fic type: het, giles & buffy, fic type: multi-part, z_creator: astartelydianna, giles/buffy

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