Weekly feedback list for July 8-14th

Jul 20, 2013 15:06

OMG, another week passed at SOG! ACTUALLY, a couple of weeks passed, but this post refers to the July 8th - 14th week (I'm catching up, promise!) And there were more incredibly awesome postings by some very talented people! Now is your chance to visit, revisit, catch up, and catch the stuff that perhaps fell through the cracks on your flist - you know, that thing we do!

Don’t forget that perusing through these lovelies is awesome, but what’s even more awesome is when you can drop the creator a little note letting them know the things you particularly loved! Remember, when you feedback Giles sings another song! (ok, maybe not, but you will make someone’s day)

Also, a little clarification on labeling and tagging:
- Please try to tag your posts. Your mod is trying to go through and catch up with things as quickly as possible, but it helps a great deal if you, who wrote the story or made the artwork, will also take the time to use the tags available. They help people who love the kind of stuff you write or the stuff you make find it when the come to visit the community. For fics there are pairing, rating, and author tags that are most important, and for artwork the same (though rating is worksafe or not worksafe).
- Header labeling: If you are writing a fic with a pairing in it and want it to be a surprise, you can indicate that in your header (ie: Giles/?, or Giles/tbr, or Giles/surprise). In other cases, please use the ever present “/” (for example: Giles/Oz, Giles/Faith, etc.) … some people have used the “&” sign in the past, but in this community the “&” sign indicates friendship fic.
- If you don’t have a creator tag, please drop a note to me on any mod post and I’ll be happy to make you one! Most everybody does though, so be sure to look out for them under the 'z_creator:'

+ Folio (Gen, G) by ljs
+ Sunset Limited (G/Anya, T) by ljs
+ Welcome Home, Rupert (Gen, PG) by brutti_ma_buoni
+ Anger and Desire Part 1, Part 2, An Interlude, Interlude II (G/Spike, R) by theladymerlin
+ Fierce Girls (G/OFC, G/Deirdre, G/Buffy, FRT) by gileswench
+ Gallery of Failures (Gen, PG) by ripper_repoman

+ Giles Banner variations (worksafe) by theladymerlin
+ Art Manips (worksafe) by wickedfox

and keep an eye on the calendar! We're rapidly approaching the end of the summer (*gigantic sadface*) and rapidly approaching the final posting day on the 31st where anyone can post any Giles related thing you want! (say final chapters of fic you started earlier in the community, your favorite new haiku, a set of icons you whipped up for the heck of it, a picspam, a podfic, whatever you like!)

admin: weekly feedback list

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