mod post: last day and pimping suggestion

Jun 11, 2008 22:06

Hi Giles!lovers!  We have two little updates for you about things at the comm and outside of it:

01.  We're going to modify the way last day of the community (July 31) works.  Instead of it being claimed by both elizabuffy and I, we'd like to open it up to everyone here at summer_of_giles who has started a fic but didn't complete it on their day(s).  We're hoping that you'll consider this a free-for-all, where, if you you don't finish your fic it quite on time, you'll be able to aim for July 31 as an absolute completion date!   That way, too, you'll give everyone the chance to find out what happens next. We may have a couple of things we've been cooking up to post as well, but that way we an have an extravaganza at the end of our summer!

02.  So far both elizabuffy and I have been absolutely blown away by everyone's posts.  And we are totally sure we're going to be amazed by why you guys create next, too!  We want you get the most recognition and the widest audience for your works as possible.  You may already be cross posting to your own journal, and you may have noticed that every post here has been covered by giles_watchers (a community that daily links to all the Giles-related stuff on lj and off of it).  But one of the other ways you can get your own work out to a wider audience is to post a notice to a community called whedonverse_nb.  Whendonverse_nb is a noticeboard community for announcements/links to any Whedonverse fan material.  We'd *highly* recommend you consider posting links to your graphics and fic (they accept both) to this community, and spread the Giles!love to the wider world.

And happy Wednesday!  a Favorite Giles Moment post is coming up!

admin: mod post

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