(no subject)

Aug 26, 2005 21:09

This song has made me so sad (even MORE depressed than I already was, PEAS Louise... man, I miss Louise... ANYWAY) for as long as I've known it. I never understood exactly why it made me feel even worse than I did before, but now... I look back on that and wonder if that's even TRUE, considering I could barely feel anything.

Supposedly my 'sadness' was the only emotion I would let myself feel. Go figure. Why couldn't it be something like constantly happy or excited? Well, at least it 'tis/ was better than being confused or narcaleptic all the time.

O-ho-HO! I remember Ms. Warne calling me out on being tired all the time in school. I think maybe that's when this all began. But I won't go any farther into that, even though it does interest me. I don't want to get stuck in a rut right now.

Espescially when this song is actually making me happy instead of incredably sad.

PS- I just had a STRAWBERRY MALT and couldn't stop drinking it... oi, Jadey!!! STRAWBERRIES!!! *winkwink* Hecks YES, Becky.

And I've got a gangsta's butt, I cannot lie, and this morning I accidently combine the songs "Chim-chimminey" from Mary Poppins (when ever I think of her, I think of her flying up into a plane engine with her umbrella... this reminds me why I love to Simpsons!) and the ryhms from the Oopa Loopma's from Charlie and Chocolate Facotry numero uno.

This is turning into a rather long PS. Oh well. QUIZ TIME!! *jigs it up*

By and by, the man who constructed this quiz looks like what Legolas would if he let himself go and wert living in a dark room... and poked himself in the eye with a microwave... WHOOOOA.

The Random Question Meme!

An array of completely random questions about my friends!
What was timexwasted wearing, the last time you noticed?A shirt... what? WHAT?Is shivermerobotic an innie or an outie?I never had the decency to ask or protruuuuuuude.What's the biggest difference between vitesse289 and littlegavroche?The biggest DIFFERENCE?!? Don't make me think too hardly... they have never met, they're never been to the same school, I don't *think* Anya acts... but neither of them update, and I don't remember littlegavroche at all, which makes me cry.What would crocodilesteve do with half a million dollars (U.S.)?Probably blow it on virtual fighting games where YOU could control to action! Who on your friends list would get along best with lectric_lover?Andy! They both have the same backround! That's so adorable, and I like her lips.What is the most insightful thing you have heard sebastienette say?EVERYTHING. No, seriously, just listen to the beauty of the girl's words, and you'd understand! What do you find admirable about oiuberoi?I've never heard an ill word from him, which is probably bad for his health, but the boy's also MADLY in love, which is truely admirable.What is falseprophecies's religion?Not sure... emm...What would happen if teacherspetjh13 and musicgurlie112 went on a date together?THREE WAY!!! Wait... four way? No, three way... let's just stay with a safe seven way.How many licks would jadejournal take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?Plenty.What would acrossthenightx be like on an LSD trip?LMAO, that would be awesome! But drugs are BAD! *shakes finger and pushes you out of the family van*Do you envy haru_no_higeki's job?No, I'd never be a stripper for house hold objects. Now that you mention it, she does need a raise, though, so she can buy some ARM CANDY! Mmmm... Did perfectindeth take the blue pill, or the red pill?Both, and threw Clay Aiken in the bath tub.How would sunshine_candy survive on a desert island?Selling... things...?Where did plastik_fo_faux leave the remote?In the her home made (of) SOAP.Have you ever suspected htmlpixie of being a lifelike robot?Yes, yes I have. Those dreams have been squished, though... she doesn't know how to dance. What will be i_muad_dib's last words?"WHY ARE YOU FOLLOWING ME?"Why is lazymonkey531 sneaking up behind you right now?Why don't we say hello, then, Robi?! IT'S GOOD MANNORS! You're going home. NOW.What happened the last time you and _off_thewall were hanging out together?We bought... hot... dogs... yees, hot dogs... of course...Have you ever seen fieknave naked?GET THE HOSE, SHE'S GONE STREAKING AGAIN!If erumina and uncherclassique were superheroes, which one would be the sidekick?They'd both be side kicks, and when in danger, melt into one, giant, bird. That actually would be a rather good paring, random question thing!What habit does harus_stuff have that you think they should give up?Being so STUPID. Gosh.Does veronicavaine understand quantum chromodynamics?Oh, I'd think so. She knows everything, and some day will SMITE THE, MINE SINFUL PASTOR *insert picture of sunny beach*!!!What would the minions of str4wberry_love's army look like?Tons of cute rabbits *twitch* filled to the brim with fluffy pudding and whipped cream topping, giving each other hugs (yes, HUGS) allllll the tiiiiiime. Sexy!What kind of person would you set up with exmeromuto?A beautiful... funny... kind... one? GENARIC BRAND NOT FOR SALE BEHIND THE COUNTER.Why would strawberryxjade go to heaven but poetic_kiss go to hell?Yes, they could even go to the ZOO if either one wanted to.Can letheif become invisible at will?Yeah, and I'm afraid he's going to get into a bunch of trouble and such at camp if he even tried to pull that kind of stuff. FOR SALE, DIRTY BEAR, for shaaaame.Is xo_is_love best described as a badger, a mushroom, or a snake?HEBIPENGY!What does jade_havok_13 spend the most time doing?I'm not sure, but whatever it is, it WORKS. It must get tiring, being beautiful, funny, and smart ALL the time. What kind of cleanser do you use?
This is by heptadecagram. You can find your own completely random questions here.

Do you feel enlightened now?

I'm listening to Elliot Smith just for you, Abs. Get your booty out of the mud and understand the waves on the shore! I want to go to the beach, it's so lovely... wouldn't it be nice to visit the beach while it was over cast? I think that's the only way I could be able to enjoy an overcast day's weather. Well, maybe I'll just think of the beach each time that happens now...

I also think that sunrises are better when you have something to look forward to in the day, and in your usual living conditions, because it's something that you don't see every day.

However, when you're enjoying the sunset for a reason, I think it's also beautiful.

That's why I love sunrises so much... I've only ever watched a full one once, and that was the night I spend tossing and turning until day break. But it was so gorgeous... I couldn't have asked for anything better just then.

And I can't ask for anything I don't make for myself, who I know and love, and what happens.

Cheese alret and fat alarm ahead;

I LOVE LIFE! A lot of things seem like they're going well for me right now.

Although I was sticken with the realization of how real Mr. Friesse's desiese is/was today... I was looking through a magazine that was sitting around, and found a picture of a young boy sitting next to Nicole Kidman, who had gone to visit him. He had lost all his hair because he had cancer in his cells, as well as pumping through his blood.

I didn't even think about it, I don't know why it happened... but I started crying halfway through the article. "Helena" was on TV... and the coffin, although that video doesn't strike me as morbid enough for what it is... just the thought of the coffin, and the greiving, and the singing, and the article made me want to cry.

And I did.

I got a lunch bag with ears! Yes, EARS.

Hope everyone had a great day, and will do so tomorrow, too. My mum, Gigi (possibly, she hasn't called me back yet), and I are going to drive up to Ely to watch Anders play with his camp tomorrow. Last year it was AMAZING, and I can only expect the same from this year. I hope Anders had a good time. WHOO. Piiiie.


So I won't be back until Sunday... at which point, I suspect I'm supposed to help with the other mural, although I had no bearing in it, and I'm sure if I touch it, people will think it's too confusing. Eh. Well, if it's the only way to get it done, then so be it.

GETS THE BURROW, and sleep well all. Hope tonight's sleep is as interesting for all of you as my dreams seem to be turning out for me.

dirty bear

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