(no subject)

Aug 24, 2005 15:23

MYEAH. I like the idea of this journal being friends only, but I don't update it enough to do that. I've started to update a lot more on xanga, fishing for comments, that kind of junk. I don't like it, but there IS room to put a song (if you'd like to annoy peoples), and have a vonderful background.

Otherwise, no. It has all da ISM peeps on it, and I don't like these online journal things unless I have people to share it with. If it's too personal, I'll write it all up in my journal. But I don't want random PEOPLE seeing me, or frogs, so this is how it goes.

1) I've come back from Italy, Austria, and France, and it was GLORIOUS!!! Soooo much fun, and I'm so glad I went. The night before we left, I'd thrown up at least twice (not even fake throw up, it was completely chunky and disgusting- not fun stuff), and the night before THAT, I couldn't sleep at ALL. No, seriously, no sleep whatsoever. I'm just suprised I didn't get a migrain, but I will NEVER be able to pull off a whole night without sleep perposly.

Maybe I was trying too hard.

So the next morning after the sickness, I still didn't feel very well. My mum convinced me that I'd regret staying back, and I'd feel better soon. When we'd gotten to Florence, after at least three layovers (one in good ol' Texas!), I DID feel better!! I just wanted to go to our house as soon as possible, though.

I swear, traveling is like a sweet, sweeeet drug for me, and it cures my aches and pains. It's a refresher, and it pains me not to be in the new places I love. But once you're home again, you have wonderful memories- and this trip was definatly one, big, wonderful blur.

List of places we went because I can't type out everything about everything, even though I'd like to (not in order)-
-Florence; to pick up the car.

-S. Giminiano; we could see it from the terrece on our house, so we went there at least once a day! Our house was amazing, too. It overlooked the country side of Tuscany, and just being able to step outside and be reminded of how wonderful nature and life is, and how lucky we all were to be there with each other, was wonderful. Not to mention, we had fun making our frozen, Italian pizzas, pesto pasta (I couldn't eat the red sauce because of the MEEEEEAT), tastey cheeses from my mum's FRIEND (*hinthint*, the cheese and wine guy who worked in S. Giminiano) or the Pam, olives, Italain fanta (I swear the different fants from different countries taste different!! They are also oddly more sitifying then the fanta we get here... yum!), awesome crackers, and whatever else we could stuff into our tummies. It really wasn't that hard to eat such glorious food after walking around all day, but we did manage.

-Florence; to pick up Tina. While we were waiting for her train to get in, we wandered not too far and found a cozy pizza parlor. We sat and watched the rain until it cleared up, joking and being all happy-slappy. The woman who worked there reminded me of the Mamma on Santorini that Anders gave his seat to... awww, I miss her!

-Chinque Terra; it was stunning. The water is a clear, crystal blue, the sun was shining, and the towns are just... indescribable...

-Pisa; Two words; tourist trap. TOURIST TRAP!!! The towers, as well as the other arcitecture, was amazing, though it was a TOURIST TRAP!!

-PAM; Our local grocery store which we often visited. Would you believe that there bottled pesto is fresher than our best? No WAY. Plus, they have so many glorious CHEESES. It's so fun to shop at foreign grocery stores!

-Florence; We spent a the whole day there, this time going to see David, walking on the Pontivecio (probably spelled that wrong), and wandering around. We also went to see the Pitty Palace, and walk around in the gardens (at my mother's request). I must admit that I saw not but any roses, patunias, or green grass stalks. It was rather bare, but the view for the gardens was AMAZING.

-Sienna; The first day trip we took. The first place where the architecture amazed me, the food made you smile, and so did the people. While we were eating our lunch in the square, an achordian player came about with his guitar-strumming friend and sung a song to me! I think it was because I gave them money...

-Florence; AGAIN, yes. I've been to Florence FOUR, count them, FOUR times!! Mighty sweet, if I do say so myself. This time, we went to the Uffizi museum, because that was the only day that my dad could get head-of-the-line tickets online, and we were going to pass through the town on our way to Sauve anyway. The museum was fine, but I'm sure it was worth it to see. I just wasn't in the right mood for taking in the art, especially when most of them were portraits. I did get to see "Venus", though! From a distance. Thank, Asian tourists!! Aww, they're so cute and estatic, though! How can I stay mad at them??

-Sauve; The little town that has amazing landscapes (not to mention a castle). Our bed and breakfast has a breathtaking veiw, overlooking the vinyards that the husband took care of, the castle, and the town. The mist blocked out any indecation that the highway was just beyond. There was also a WONDERFUL restaurant that the owers of the inn recommended on the first night we were there. WOW! And the waiter was so cute and curdious!!
The owners of the house were an extremely nice, and felt like family as soon as we met them... even though I can't remember their names just now.

-Venice; Venice. Fake sunglasses. Venice. Ten red peguins. Emm... Venice. What in the WORLD makes me think I can say anything that remotely compares to how Venice is and how much fun it was? I can't.

-Lake Garda; This was the 'louge' day, even though the home owners kept wondering if we were going to... I can't remember the name... blech!! I hate my memory problems!! Anyway, they told us that the town that Romeo and Juliet took place in was wonderful, if that helps. We went to Lake Garda instead, though!! And we didn't even get to see Parsley! Alright, I did see him on the side of a bus, but come ON. Everyone goes to Garda land when they're in Italy!

-The Alps; We drove through the Alps on the way to Ausstria. Wow... just... wow...

-Dooooosledorff; I think that's the name of it. Anyway, we stopped in an Ausstrian town so we could check our e-mail and strech our legs. Then we ate Burger King, as Anders and I people watched. It was a glorious Burger King it was! We saw a guy bringing his date there. ...It must be THE place to be! ...I hated the feeling of that town...

-Saltzburg; WHOOOOA. Even though we didn't get to go to the cafe Glockinshpile, for it was under construction, we did get to wander around the town like mad hatters!! It was so great! And the weather was rather cool, so it was comfy, clean, friendly, AND delicious. Though I never tried the em... Weinersnitial (flattened MEEEEAT of all kinds, then breaded, then fried, then through your mouth, and into your DIGESTIVE SYSTEM, WHOOOOO), I didn't have one bad meal there. We went to the Castle atop the mountain that overlooked the city, and had an awesome view of the city and sky-scraping mountains while we were there.
The beds were extremely comfortable.

-The Saltzburg train staion; ...what?

-Through-some-places-in-the-country-on-the-top-of-a-triple-bunk; The train that brought us (OVERNIGHT shipping, dat be sure, ya!) from Salzburg to Paris ran through mostly pitch-black country side, while I TRIED to sleep on the top bunk of a triple bunk in our cabin. The woman who held the first place in our car, before we got there, was named Margaret (whoo, compition for mum's name!), we found out in the morning, and worked for Rick Steves'.

-Paris; YEAHWE'REBACKINPARISOHEMSGEE. I love Paris, and this time was no exception!! It makes me happy inside! We visited the Pompedue, the _____ (DRAWING A BLANK HERE) quater, and had fun with the Freises. OHEMGEES, and the hotel room that we got to stay in!?!? Anders, Tina, and I agree, that "wu9023805392870 bsohfpsoaiy03 IT HAS A SPEAKER IN THE BATHROOM CEILING!!!". It was nice and rainy most of the time we stayed there...

The trip was wonderful, and I loved coming back too. Except for the fact that I sat next to a rather large man on the way from New York to Minneapolis... and I thought his fat was a blanket when I was half a sleep, so I almost reached out and pulled it up... I shutter... SHUTTER, I SAY!!!

Why am I discontent?? Because the Gorillaz tour was dippy. All people did was yell "I LOVE YOU MURDOC!!!" on habbohotel, and I spent half an hour trying to get into the room. They didn't play any songs, they didn't do anything but stand there. How EXCITING.

I miss Abi being home >< I hope school's going better for you today, darlink.

And I probably won't see Jenny before the school year starts, which is a downer. We will meet, someday, sometime!!! Maybe you can come celebrate my birthday with me this year!!! Hmmm, idea monkies going off like balloons...
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