Jun 07, 2005 22:44
School - Boring like always duh. After school we had a welcome crew meeting for about 5 minutes and 8.9 seconds. Then i came home, did my critical lens essay for english and part of my french homework. Then Mrs. Stokely picked me up and me and lauren went back to school for our physicals. It only took about 10-15 minutes. My mom came and picked us up after and went inside with Lauren when we dropped her off to get a pair of shorts for school tomorrow because i didnt have any clean ones. Then i came home and met the people that live next door to me. The mans name is John and he has 2 kids Alejandro who is 4 and Sebastian who's 1 and a half. They're so cute. We didnt meet his wife but he told us her name i just forgot it. My mom talked to him for about 10 minutes or so and i played with the kids in the sprinkler. Then we came upstairs, made sandwiches for dinner and i rescrunched my hair cuz it looked bad lol. We went to Karas softball game at 8 ish. Me, Beanie, my uncle rick and dad were having fun. We were being really stupid (accually just me, my dad and uncle rick were Beans just sat there laughing at us) but we were making fun of kara cuz she was wearing her converse to play softball?! so we decided to nickname her Connie Blackshoe cuz she thinks she punk and loves her black converse. So everytime she'd hit the ball and get on base we'd scream gotta be the shoes! haha. Shania pretty much killed me. Gave me the biggest charlie horse of my life haha. I nicknamed her Bunt Masta G cuz she was bunting like everytime she went up to bat. It was fun. Me, Dad and uncle rick were doing the wave for my sister, cousin and Shaina too. haha. The game ended at about 10. me and my mom went home. kara went to my dads house. I just got online and that's pretty much it. Found out some bad news about george (premo) and now im real sad. but its ok i think.
Leave me the comments. Ill update when i have a chance.
<3 Lindsay