one heck of a night lol

May 15, 2005 00:12

So lets see what happened since i updated last today. Well i just kinda talked online for while then went into my room nd watched mtv cribs for hours cuz i have basically no life whatsoever but whatever im over it. Then Lauren called at like 5:30 nd we planned on going to seritas at like 6:30 so my dads friend randy came over nd me, randy nd my daddy all ate dinner and lauren came over at like 6:30 and we took ourselves a little walk to seritas. It was kinda boring at first when it was just me, serita, lauren, sarah nd sam but sam was super hyper nd it was funny. Then Sarah came then Cuchy and we all went in seritas screen pourch // sun room // Dojo // Wynabago // whatever else it was called during the night lol. We just kinda sat there and talked for a bit. Mike, Paul nd Chris came nd we ordered a pizza. Just hung out nd ate pizza nd talked ya know the usual hanging out stuff lol. Then we played Scattergories. Me nd Paul were on a team - man we were good lol, Sarah, Serita and Mike were all by themselves. Sam and Sam were on a team and Sarah T, Lauren nd Chris were on a team. It was real fun. Then we all went on the trampoline in the rain. Good times. Sarah T tackled me becuz i said i was the only one who didnt slip nd fall yet so she changed that lol. Sam nd Sam decided to stay in the lil place ;) haha. Then i ate mud. nd had to go rinse my mouth out with a lot of dr pepper cuz mud is gross. Sarah, Sarah nd Sam B left a little after that. nd like 5 mins after they left Mike, Paul nd Chris left. Me nd Lauren nd Sam C. stayed nd helped serita pick up a little bit. Then Sams dad came nd so did mine so we drove lauren home nd stuff nd now im just talking online nd getting ready to go to bed. Tomorrow should be boring cuz ill prolly just do homework nd sleep but ill let ya know if anything exciting goes on <3

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