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Mar 16, 2005 22:39

all city was great!! it was soo funny.. omg lol. kirsten and rock.. woot woot that was soo funny ahhahahah! crispy bagel rock! i never thought i'd live to see his face again. you know what bagel dont got? slim fast! that was just too hott for words.. and so were my facial expressions. you had to be there to know what i mean. the crowd prolly thought that i was like drunk or something becuase i kept sending rachel these weird faces where i just idk how to explain it. liz saw them too from the audience, so that means that they saw it too. kirsten was too funny.. " daigle is just like his drum! .. " haha good one girlie.. too bad i couldnt go to friendlys after but oh well. now its time for homework.
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