First job:nanny
purchased CD: ohh i dont remember
First funeral: my poppy (grandpa)
First and current piercing/tattoo: first was my ears then my cartilage then my nose
First credit card :i still dont have one
First true love: Jesus. <3
First enemy: i dont think i have an enemy..
First big trip w/out family: i went to camp in like 4th grade for the first time..does that count?
First musician you remember hearing in your house:little kids bible songs
Last big car ride:DISNEYLAND!
Last kiss:ummm sarah goett?
Last movie seen: Anywhere but here
Last beverage drank: water
Last food consumed: halloween candy
Last phone call: mommy
Last CD played: Brand NEw
Last annoyance: the millions of people at school today who told me i look like ashlee simpson
Last soda drank: diet coke probably no sprite
Last shirt worn: im in a sweatshirt right now.
Last website visited: uh what else livejournal
.:YES or NO:.
You keep a diary?: i have a prayer journal
You like to cook?: only with my mom
You have a secret you have not shared with anyone?: yes
You believe in love?: fo sho
.:DO YOU...?:.
Have a crush?: maybe...shhh
Want to get married?: heck yes
Get motion sickness?: i did on the way home from disneyland
Think you're a health freak?: at times
Get along with your parents?:yes
Like thunderstorms?: yes...theres one right now...oh man i love it..
Hair Color: was blonde now its brown
Eye Color: hazel
Birthplace: Wauwatosa, Wi
Number: 28
Color: pink and teal
Day: The weekend in general
Month:may and august
Song(s): no way i could choose i love music
Season: summer and winter
Drink: apple juice or coffee
Cuddle or Make out: def cuddle!! <3<3
Chocolate Milk or Hot Chocolate: chocolate
Milk, Dark, or White Chocolate: dark
Vanilla or Chocolate: chocolate
Cried? ya after the lady dyed my hair too dark on accident i cried on the way home lol
Helped someone? yes
Bought something? me and miriam and paulie bought cup of noodles at lunch
Gotten sick?ya i felt hecka sick all day
Gone to the movies? No
Gone out for dinner? no
Said 'I love you'? most definately
Written a real letter? no
Talked to an ex? no
Missed an ex? NO!
Written in a journal? yes
Had a serious talk? sort of
Missed someone? Yes!
Hugged someone? Yah!
Fought with your parents? nope
Fought with a friend? Nope
Eat a bug? ewww
Bungee jump? yes but id be terrified
Kill someone? no way mister
Kiss someone of the same sex? ya def been there done that
Have sex with someone of the same sex? now thats just gross
Parachute from a plane? yes
Walk on hot coals? yes!!! now thats just crazy
Go out with someone for their looks?probably in junior high
Be a vegetarian? ive tried
Wear plaid with stripes? nope
Get drunk off your a$$?no way
IM a stranger? yes
Sing Karaoke? ya i have
Shoplift? No!
Run a red light? on accident
Star in a porn video? ure gross
Dye your hair blue? itd probably be better than the color it is now
Be on Survivor? No!!!!
Wear makeup in public? umm duh lol
Not wear makeup in public?i do it often
Cheat on a test? never have never will
Make someone cry? i dont want to
Date someone more than 10 years older than you? thatd be 26 and thats weird
Stay up all night? def already have..duh!!