Trouble with Images

Oct 14, 2007 11:19


Sorry I haven't updated for a while. I've got loads of new icons to post but I'm having trouble with photobucket at the moment. Recently I've noticed that in all of my old LJ posts there are at least 3 or 4 icons that look as though there links are broken - for me anyway. But I haven't deleted them from my photobucket album.

I've asked them at the photobucket forums for help and they think it's either my computer or browser that's preventing me from seeing them. I've looked at my settings and they all seem fine so I'm no closer to fixing the problem!

I just wanted to ask if you guys are having any problem seeing my icons? If you have a minute could you take a look back over some of my old posts. Have any of you have had this problem yourselves?

uglybettylims, lims_heroes, hermione_lims, actress_lims, petrelli_lims,
jlh_lims, lims_friends tvgirl_lims and justagirl_lims

[music|Take That - Rule The World]

pimping, problems

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