Title: How I Spent My Summer Vacation, by Dean Winchester
imnotshalimarFandom: Supernatural
Characters: Dean, with mentions of Sam & John
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1,351
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: I don’t own Supernatural or any of the Winchester family (more’s the pity).
A/N: Set when Dean is going into the 7th grade.
Summary: Dean’s take on that familiar beginning of the school year assignment.
It’s kind of a family tradition to take a road trip every summer after school lets out. We’ve been to all kinds of places, all over the U.S., and there’s always something new to see. This year we started by visiting a friend of my dad’s in Minnesota. We had been living in Iowa, and Dad said it would be smart for the first part of the trip to be easy and laid back. Pastor Jim is pretty cool, for a preacher, and my brother really likes all the books in the library.
Two days after the last day of school, Dad came home from a hunt hurt a lot worse than usual. He needed a safe place to rest and heal up. I called Pastor Jim, and he came and brought us all to his house to stay while Dad recovered. Sam spent most of the month we were there practicing his Latin and looking up protection spells and incantations.
After we left Blue Earth, we headed to North Carolina. We ended up in Wilmington, and got to lay out on the beach for hours. I even learned to surf! Sam was too little though, but he did try out a boogie board. Dad always tries to find something educational for us to do at each major stop on our trips. In Wilmington it was the Battleship. That’s what they call it, “The Battleship,” like it’s the only one in the world or something. Officially it’s the U.S.S. North Carolina. It was in the Pacific during World War II. Now it’s a museum. That makes it sound kind of boring, but it wasn’t really. Actually, it was kind of cool. We got to see all kinds of things that the sailors would have done and used back when the boat was in service.
I met this really cute girl on the beach. She taught me to surf, and I taught her… other fun things to do on the beach. Her older sister was kind of a bitch though. Very over-protective. Boy, Sammy’s lucky I don’t watch over him every single second, never letting him have a life!
The Battleship was the real reason we went to Wilmington. Dad wanted to check out the rumors there was a ghost on board. According to the EMF, there was definitely something there. We did a little research though, and it doesn’t look like the ghost has ever hurt anyone. We couldn’t find out anything else about who it might have been, and never saw it for ourselves. So after a couple of weeks, Dad heard about something more dangerous, and we never did get rid of the ghost. He said the only thing the spirit seemed to do was draw in more tourists, and that wasn’t really evil, so it could stay for now. He’s keeping tabs on it now, though. If anything bad happens, we’ll be back there in a heartbeat.
Next we headed even further south. Dad wanted us to visit Okeefenokee Swamp in Georgia. Let me tell you, a swamp in Georgia in the middle of summer is the last place you want to be. It was like walking around in a sauna, and the mosquitoes were as big as Sammy’s head! We saw all kinds of wildlife: alligators (We’d seen one of those in NC too. It’s name was Charlie, and it’s like the Battleship’s mascot, or something.), snakes (Sammy almost got bitten by a baby water moccasin!), and raccoons and deer and other stuff like that. The cabin we stayed in was pretty primitive. It didn’t even have electricity. Some of the animals were cool, but I was glad to get back on the road. At least the Impala has air conditioning!
People were going missing in the swamp. At first, Dad thought it might be a will o’the wisp luring them into the waters, but it didn’t take him long to figure out that wasn’t it. By the time we got there, park rangers had found some parts. Body parts. They’d been chewed on by something with big teeth, so the rangers decided it was probably an alligator attack. The idiots went out hunting for some dumb animal to put down, and it made it harder for Dad to look for what was really doing it. Turned out it was some freaky, mutant-looking, swamp monster thing. It was hard to kill too, but Dad managed. He always does. Once it was dead, Sammy and I helped him chop it up and throw it all in the swamp. I just hope there aren’t more of those things out there!
I think Dad was tired of the heat too, because after Georgia, we went to Colorado. While we were there, we did lots of hiking up in the mountains. We also went camping in the Rocky Mountain National Park. Before we left Colorado, Dad took us to a minor league baseball game. The Sky Sox lost 7-5.
Dad was pretty sure there was a werewolf hunting in the national park. He was right. We went up early and did some research before the next full moon. The park’s really big and he wasn’t sure we would be able to find the werewolf in the three nights it would change. The first night, no luck. But I found some tracks the next day, and Dad said it looked like there were two wolves, not just one. By looking at where the previous attacks had taken place and where I found the tracks, Dad had a pretty good idea where to look. He left me and Sam at our campsite in the car once the sun went down, even though I told him I was old enough to help. He wanted me to keep an eye on Sam. Smart too, ‘cause Sammy’s still too young to be left on his own where there are werewolves on the loose. He made sure I had silver rounds for my .45, and together we put up the wards and stuff around the site before he left. He found and killed one of the weres the second night. It was smaller, a female. The next night started out the same. I kept watch over Sam in the car while Dad went out hunting. Turns out the wolf was hunting us too. It came into the campsite a little after midnight, and headed straight for the Impala. I didn’t know where Dad was, but I was sure he was close. Sammy was sleeping in the backseat, and I didn’t want to worry him, so I didn’t wake him up. He woke up anyway though when the werewolf through itself at the car. I didn’t even think. I just aimed and shot, like Dad taught me to. I kept shooting and shooting until all the bullets were gone. I couldn’t see the werewolf anymore, and I couldn’t hear it either, so I was pretty sure I’d killed it… or at least scared it off. Sam was crying, so I crawled into the backseat with him and held him close until Dad showed up a little later. He said he was really proud of me for killing my first werewolf, and for taking such good care of Sam.
We visited a couple more of Dad’s friends, but nothing really interesting happened at any of their houses. Then last week we moved here.
We went to see Bobby so Dad could do some research on the demon, but Dad pissed him off and we had to leave in a hurry. So we went to Caleb’s instead. I always like visiting him. He has a shooting range in his back yard, and let’s me try out all kinds of guns. He and Dad also taught me and Sam how to shoot a crossbow. Now we’re here. Dad hasn’t said much about what he thinks is around here, but I know it must be something big. He said we’ll probably be here for a while.
That’s how I spent my summer vacation.
That’s how I really spent my summer vacation.