Jan 17, 2007 00:55
Please help me.
Remove your head from your sphincter and help me.
I am so lost....and frustrated...and annoyed...
I have my own problems, I don't want to deal with anyone else's. I would love to any other time but not now.
I am having a mental breakdown. I can't stop crying. I want to rip my hair out. I cant see Jamie because when I do, I cry. He's leaving me again. I can't make him stay. I'm not worth that much to him but he was worth that much to me...
Can people understand that I am completely lost? You were there once, not too long ago, and I'm here again. This is the second time for me.
This school is so big compared to UNE. I thought I would be happy here, but I'm not. I am miserable. DId I make, yet another, big mistake?
I just wish Jamie would stay. It kills me to see himleave,,,,it really breaks my heart. It sucks to know that the guy you love is out there somewhere, and you wont see him for a long time. I feel so lost without him here...like I just don't have a reason to do anything. I really just want to not go to school and work because I would rather wait to have him here than be here alone and be lost. I don't even know what i want to do anymore. I think I would rather teach. Nursing is too intense....I dont want to work 12 hour shifts and be on call on weekends. I would come home with a heavy heart majority of the time and smell bad. I would rather wake up everyday and pick out an outfit to wear, and a cup of coffee in hand, and be done by 3:30, have vacations, and be able to spend time with my , one day, family. I think I would like that much more thn nursing. What do you think?
I think I will go home tomorrow and just stay home. I need to get away from this stress. Atleast before I blow up on someone.
Im trying to test out of bio 208 a&p...Ive taken it 2 times already in a row. I hope I can because just sitting there pisses me off.