Why Do Guys Fall In Love With Girls? (Fic, Peter/Claire)

Jan 08, 2008 09:18

Title: Why Do Guys Fall In Love With Girls?
Rating: K+
Author: summer_cities aka sarahliz1624
Summary: Taken from a Myspace bulletin I received titled "Why do guys fall in love with girls?" This is reason #3.

3. How cute they look when they sleep.
Peter was walking down the hallway of the mansion when he first heard it. He stopped for a moment and tried to identify the sound. Yes, that was definitely snoring. He approached the door to the parlor and leaned his head against the dark wood. It wasn’t a loud snore, more like the soft hum of a humidifier, but noticeable all the same. Turning the knob slowly, so as not to wake whoever was sleeping, he pushed the door open gently.
It couldn’t have been his mother; she wouldn’t have been caught dead sleeping anywhere but her own room with the door shut. Nathan snored, Peter knew, but it was a deep, manly snore, not this dainty sniffle. The boys were both upstairs in bed; Peter had said goodnight to them himself. It must have been Heidi, he reasoned, peeking his head into the dimly lit room. The television was whirring softly, giving the walls a soft blue glow. He took two steps into the room before his eyes fell on the source of the noise.
Claire Bennet lay on the sofa, her legs curled up in front of her and her hands folded under her head, sound asleep, snoring quietly.
Peter’s face immediately broke into a smile. He approached the couch carefully, not wanting to disturb her. He pulled the blanket from the back of the chair and laid it gingerly over her tiny frame. Brushing a stray strand of hair back from her face he stared down at her. “Sweet dreams.” he whispered, gazing for just another moment before turning his back and heading for the door. He had just flipped the television off when he thought he heard her speak. Her voice was so soft he was sure that he might have imagined it.
“Sweet dreams, Peter.”
He could never be certain if she’d actually said it or not. The only thing he was sure of was that when he closed the door behind him, she wasn’t snoring anymore.

A/N: Apparently you guys like these, so I'm gonna do all 25 of them! Yay! Please R&R, it keeps my spirit afloat!!!

peter, fanfic, claire, paire, heroes, peter/claire, fiction

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