italy and strokes

Mar 04, 2006 20:00

I'm backk. Italy was so great. I loved everything especially how buildings were so incredibly old and still standing. When I was in the Pantheon and Castle Sant Angelo I just got this great feeling of the oldness and history and time. AHH the weather was basically crappy, but in the words of Oscar, "Yo, I don't care. We're in Italy." It was just a great trip. We saw so much in so little time. I loved the differences.. those little things are what make going to a new place so adventuresome. yet some people complained about them, and went to mcdonalds, oh well stay in america next time =P The Brooklyn kids were cool and I miss some of them yo! I miss Italy in general. We (my family) might go to Greece sometime in the next year or so. But I think I'm going to Florida for spring break so I'll settle for that for now :]

Annnd, me Julia and Agatha saw the Strokes last night! forthethirdtime. AHH it was such a great show. It was at hammerstein and the doors opened at 6:30 and we got to the line 20 minutes before that. the line was basically down the block and around the corner but we got pretty close to the front thanks to some awesome girl from like Croton. So by the time we got in were were only like 4 feet away from the rail and centerish. then these two girls came and one of them was probably the most obnoxious girl ever and wouldnt shut up about getting closer to the stage UGHH and there's really no reason to get closer to the stage when no one is even on it. bitch is crazy. so the Eagles of Death Metal were good rock and roll. then the strokes came on much later and yo they rocked. They played a lot from Is This It and some from First Impressions but not much from Room on Fire. I got pushed back a bit from the stage but it was better because a) the fans weren't as scary intense b) room to breathe/dance c) didn't have to crane my neck up as much. there was this girl next to me who looked like Meryl so much except with blonde hair. so was it worth the $85? yeah. however, it really hurt when we talked to some guys from New Ro on the line who got their tickets for $26 on Ebay. -_- oh well! afterward we were exhausted and so thirsty and drank a bottle of water and soda at quiznos. best ever? yeah.

today i went to Rye nature conservancy with my family and i drove there and back and got nagged at. it was really pretty there, with the snow and afternoon sun. we saw a pack of 10 deer. 12-pack of deer HAH. as i click the update button i wish you all a happy March...

PS does anyone know how often we should write WISE journal entries?
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