Nov 02, 2004 19:03
Oh my God! Are my parents freaking kidding me? We moved from Palm Beach, Florida to freaking Sunnydale, California? The hell? God, they are so unbelievable. Hello, senior year and i'm 18. I totally should have been allowed to stay back in Florida and finish out the school year. It's not like they plan to sell the Florida house. Oh wait, it's the summer house. Well they named me Summer so it should have been mine, right?
Daddy is so unreasonable. He totally threatened to cut off the college fund and my allowance and stuff if I didn't move with them. Ugh. So, I started school today. Can we say loserville? Yeah, we can. Apparently there was an opening on the cheerleading squad though. Try outs are Thursday after school. Whatever. It's not like any of these losers could do a better job. I was captain back home. I don't even need to be captain here. Just a member of the squad so my freaking college application doesn't suffer.
Principal Snyder? Kind of a freak. Just sayin'. He was glad that I had honor roll grades and was into school spirit, but he went off on this tangent about the houligans in this school and to not fall in with the bad crowd. Um, yeah, like I'll hang out with the losers? Whatever.
Hopefully there will be some cool kids in this school. Nick Baker, aka freaked out future Validictorian guy, was all asking about my GPA and class standing and stuff. Paranoid much? Hello, I have a life, I pull good grades, but I'm not a straight A student. Social life is more important than that. Besides Mom and Dad are alumni at Stanford. I'm in. Nick about choked on that. Heh.
He was cute, but I don't date high school boys. Way too immature. There is an Army base in town so maybe I'll meet some cute soldiers. There is a college too, but I'm not in the mood for frat boys. Had enough of that in Florida.